CakePHP 3.6
Namespaces summary
- Cake
- Cake\Auth
- Cake\Auth\Storage
- Cake\Cache
- Cake\Cache\Engine
- Cake\Collection
- Cake\Collection\Iterator
- Cake\Command
- Cake\Console
- Cake\Console\Exception
- Cake\Controller
- Cake\Controller\Component
- Cake\Controller\Exception
- Cake\Core
- Cake\Core\Configure
- Cake\Core\Configure\Engine
- Cake\Core\Exception
- Cake\Core\Retry
- Cake\Database
- Cake\Database\Driver
- Cake\Database\Exception
- Cake\Database\Expression
- Cake\Database\Schema
- Cake\Database\Statement
- Cake\Database\Type
- Cake\Datasource
- Cake\Datasource\Exception
- Cake\Error
- Cake\Error\Middleware
- Cake\Event
- Cake\Event\Decorator
- Cake\Filesystem
- Cake\Form
- Cake\Http
- Cake\Http\Client
- Cake\Http\Client\Adapter
- Cake\Http\Client\Auth
- Cake\Http\Cookie
- Cake\Http\Exception
- Cake\Http\Middleware
- Cake\Http\Session
- Cake\I18n
- Cake\I18n\Formatter
- Cake\I18n\Middleware
- Cake\I18n\Parser
- Cake\Log
- Cake\Log\Engine
- Cake\Mailer
- Cake\Mailer\Exception
- Cake\Mailer\Transport
- Cake\Network
- Cake\Network\Exception
- Cake\ORM
- Cake\ORM\Association
- Cake\ORM\Behavior
- Cake\ORM\Behavior\Translate
- Cake\ORM\Exception
- Cake\ORM\Locator
- Cake\ORM\Rule
- Cake\Routing
- Cake\Routing\Exception
- Cake\Routing\Filter
- Cake\Routing\Middleware
- Cake\Routing\Route
- Cake\Shell
- Cake\Shell\Helper
- Cake\Shell\Task
- Cake\TestSuite
- Cake\TestSuite\Constraint
- Cake\TestSuite\Fixture
- Cake\TestSuite\Stub
- Cake\Utility
- Cake\Utility\Exception
- Cake\Validation
- Cake\View
- Cake\View\Exception
- Cake\View\Form
- Cake\View\Helper
- Cake\View\Widget
- None
© 2005–present The Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.