GTK+ 3 Reference Manual
This document is for the GTK+ 3 library, version 3.22.3 . The latest versions can be found online at If you are looking for the older GTK+ 2 series of libraries, see
- I. GTK+ Overview
- Getting Started with GTK+
- Mailing lists and bug reports — Getting help with GTK+
- Common Questions — Find answers to common questions in the GTK+ manual
- The GTK+ Drawing Model — The GTK+ drawing model in detail
- The GTK+ Input and Event Handling Model — GTK+ input and event handling in detail
- II. GTK+ Widgets and Objects
- Object Hierarchy
- Widget Gallery
- Application support
- GtkApplication — Application class
- GtkApplicationWindow — GtkWindow subclass with GtkApplication support
- GtkActionable — An interface for widgets that can be associated with actions
- Interface builder
- GtkBuilder — Build an interface from an XML UI definition
- GtkBuildable — Interface for objects that can be built by GtkBuilder
- Windows
- GtkWindow — Toplevel which can contain other widgets
- GtkDialog — Create popup windows
- GtkMessageDialog — A convenient message window
- GtkAboutDialog — Display information about an application
- GtkAssistant — A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations
- GtkInvisible — A widget which is not displayed
- GtkOffscreenWindow — A toplevel to manage offscreen rendering of child widgets
- GtkWindowGroup — Limit the effect of grabs
- Layout Containers
- GtkBox — A container box
- GtkGrid — Pack widgets in a rows and columns
- GtkRevealer — Hide and show with animation
- GtkListBox — A list container
- GtkFlowBox — A container that allows reflowing its children
- GtkStack — A stacking container
- GtkStackSwitcher — A controller for GtkStack
- GtkStackSidebar — An automatic sidebar widget
- GtkActionBar — A full width bar for presenting contextual actions
- GtkHeaderBar — A box with a centered child
- GtkOverlay — A container which overlays widgets on top of each other
- GtkButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons
- GtkPaned — A widget with two adjustable panes
- GtkLayout — Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing
- GtkNotebook — A tabbed notebook container
- GtkExpander — A container which can hide its child
- GtkOrientable — An interface for flippable widgets
- GtkAspectFrame — A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio
- GtkFixed — A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates
- Display Widgets
- GtkLabel — A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text
- GtkImage — A widget displaying an image
- GtkSpinner — Show a spinner animation
- GtkInfoBar — Report important messages to the user
- GtkProgressBar — A widget which indicates progress visually
- GtkLevelBar — A bar that can used as a level indicator
- GtkStatusbar — Report messages of minor importance to the user
- GtkAccelLabel — A label which displays an accelerator key on the right of the text
- Buttons and Toggles
- GtkButton — A widget that emits a signal when clicked on
- GtkCheckButton — Create widgets with a discrete toggle button
- GtkRadioButton — A choice from multiple check buttons
- GtkToggleButton — Create buttons which retain their state
- GtkLinkButton — Create buttons bound to a URL
- GtkMenuButton — A widget that shows a popup when clicked on
- GtkSwitch — A “light switch” style toggle
- GtkScaleButton — A button which pops up a scale
- GtkVolumeButton — A button which pops up a volume control
- GtkLockButton — A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations
- GtkModelButton — A button that uses a GAction as model
- Numeric and Text Data Entry
- GtkEntry — A single line text entry field
- GtkEntryBuffer — Text buffer for GtkEntry
- GtkEntryCompletion — Completion functionality for GtkEntry
- GtkScale — A slider widget for selecting a value from a range
- GtkSpinButton — Retrieve an integer or floating-point number from the user
- GtkSearchEntry — An entry which shows a search icon
- GtkSearchBar — A toolbar to integrate a search entry with
- GtkEditable — Interface for text-editing widgets
- Multiline Text Editor
- Text Widget Overview — Overview of GtkTextBuffer, GtkTextView, and friends
- GtkTextIter — Text buffer iterator
- GtkTextMark — A position in the buffer preserved across buffer modifications
- GtkTextBuffer — Stores attributed text for display in a GtkTextView
- GtkTextTag — A tag that can be applied to text in a GtkTextBuffer
- GtkTextTagTable — Collection of tags that can be used together
- GtkTextView — Widget that displays a GtkTextBuffer
- Tree, List and Icon Grid Widgets
- Tree and List Widget Overview — Overview of GtkTreeModel, GtkTreeView, and friends
- GtkTreeModel — The tree interface used by GtkTreeView
- GtkTreeSelection — The selection object for GtkTreeView
- GtkTreeViewColumn — A visible column in a GtkTreeView widget
- GtkTreeView — A widget for displaying both trees and lists
- GtkTreeView drag-and-drop — Interfaces for drag-and-drop support in GtkTreeView
- GtkCellView — A widget displaying a single row of a GtkTreeModel
- GtkIconView — A widget which displays a list of icons in a grid
- GtkTreeSortable — The interface for sortable models used by GtkTreeView
- GtkTreeModelSort — A GtkTreeModel which makes an underlying tree model sortable
- GtkTreeModelFilter — A GtkTreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree model
- GtkCellLayout — An interface for packing cells
- GtkCellArea — An abstract class for laying out GtkCellRenderers
- GtkCellAreaBox — A cell area that renders GtkCellRenderers into a row or a column
- GtkCellAreaContext — Stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a GtkCellArea
- GtkCellRenderer — An object for rendering a single cell
- GtkCellEditable — Interface for widgets which can are used for editing cells
- GtkCellRendererAccel — Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell
- GtkCellRendererCombo — Renders a combobox in a cell
- GtkCellRendererPixbuf — Renders a pixbuf in a cell
- GtkCellRendererProgress — Renders numbers as progress bars
- GtkCellRendererSpin — Renders a spin button in a cell
- GtkCellRendererText — Renders text in a cell
- GtkCellRendererToggle — Renders a toggle button in a cell
- GtkCellRendererSpinner — Renders a spinning animation in a cell
- GtkListStore — A list-like data structure that can be used with the GtkTreeView
- GtkTreeStore — A tree-like data structure that can be used with the GtkTreeView
- Menus, Combo Box, Toolbar
- GtkComboBox — A widget used to choose from a list of items
- GtkComboBoxText — A simple, text-only combo box
- GtkMenu — A menu widget
- GtkMenuBar — A subclass of GtkMenuShell which holds GtkMenuItem widgets
- GtkMenuItem — The widget used for item in menus
- GtkRadioMenuItem — A choice from multiple check menu items
- GtkCheckMenuItem — A menu item with a check box
- GtkSeparatorMenuItem — A separator used in menus
- GtkToolShell — Interface for containers containing GtkToolItem widgets
- GtkToolbar — Create bars of buttons and other widgets
- GtkToolItem — The base class of widgets that can be added to GtkToolShell
- GtkToolPalette — A tool palette with categories
- GtkToolItemGroup — A sub container used in a tool palette
- GtkSeparatorToolItem — A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items
- GtkToolButton — A GtkToolItem subclass that displays buttons
- GtkMenuToolButton — A GtkToolItem containing a button with an additional dropdown menu
- GtkToggleToolButton — A GtkToolItem containing a toggle button
- GtkRadioToolButton — A toolbar item that contains a radio button
- GtkPopover — Context dependent bubbles
- GtkPopoverMenu — Popovers to use as menus
- Selector Widgets and Dialogs
- GtkColorChooser — Interface implemented by widgets for choosing colors
- GtkColorButton — A button to launch a color selection dialog
- GtkColorChooserWidget — A widget for choosing colors
- GtkColorChooserDialog — A dialog for choosing colors
- GtkFileChooser — File chooser interface used by GtkFileChooserWidget and GtkFileChooserDialog
- GtkFileChooserButton — A button to launch a file selection dialog
- GtkFileChooserNative — A native file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands
- GtkFileChooserDialog — A file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands
- GtkFileChooserWidget — A file chooser widget
- GtkFileFilter — A filter for selecting a file subset
- GtkFontChooser — Interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts
- GtkFontButton — A button to launch a font chooser dialog
- GtkFontChooserWidget — A widget for selecting fonts
- GtkFontChooserDialog — A dialog for selecting fonts
- GtkPlacesSidebar — Sidebar that displays frequently-used places in the file system
- Ornaments
- GtkFrame — A bin with a decorative frame and optional label
- GtkSeparator — A separator widget
- Scrolling
- GtkScrollbar — A Scrollbar
- GtkScrolledWindow — Adds scrollbars to its child widget
- GtkScrollable — An interface for scrollable widgets
- Printing
- GtkPrintOperation — High-level Printing API
- GtkPrintContext — Encapsulates context for drawing pages
- GtkPrintSettings — Stores print settings
- GtkPageSetup — Stores page setup information
- GtkPaperSize — Support for named paper sizes
- GtkPrinter — Represents a printer
- GtkPrintJob — Represents a print job
- GtkPrintUnixDialog — A print dialog
- GtkPageSetupUnixDialog — A page setup dialog
- Shortcuts Overview
- GtkShortcutsWindow — Toplevel which shows help for shortcuts
- GtkShortcutsSection — Represents an application mode in a GtkShortcutsWindow
- GtkShortcutsGroup — Represents a group of shortcuts in a GtkShortcutsWindow
- GtkShortcutsShortcut — Represents a keyboard shortcut in a GtkShortcutsWindow
- Miscellaneous
- GtkAdjustment — A representation of an adjustable bounded value
- GtkCalendar — Displays a calendar and allows the user to select a date
- GtkDrawingArea — A widget for custom user interface elements
- GtkGLArea — A widget for custom drawing with OpenGL
- GtkEventBox — A widget used to catch events for widgets which do not have their own window
- GtkHandleBox — a widget for detachable window portions
- GtkIMContextSimple — An input method context supporting table-based input methods
- GtkIMMulticontext — An input method context supporting multiple, loadable input methods
- GtkSizeGroup — Grouping widgets so they request the same size
- GtkTooltip — Add tips to your widgets
- GtkViewport — An adapter which makes widgets scrollable
- GtkAccessible — Accessibility support for widgets
- Abstract Base Classes
- GtkWidget — Base class for all widgets
- GtkContainer — Base class for widgets which contain other widgets
- GtkBin — A container with just one child
- GtkMenuShell — A base class for menu objects
- GtkRange — Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment
- GtkIMContext — Base class for input method contexts
- GtkNativeDialog — Integrate with native dialogs
- Cross-process Embedding
- Recently Used Documents
- GtkRecentManager — Managing recently used files
- GtkRecentChooser — Interface implemented by widgets displaying recently used files
- GtkRecentChooserDialog — Displays recently used files in a dialog
- GtkRecentChooserMenu — Displays recently used files in a menu
- GtkRecentChooserWidget — Displays recently used files
- GtkRecentFilter — A filter for selecting a subset of recently used files
- Choosing from installed applications
- GtkAppChooser — Interface implemented by widgets for choosing an application
- GtkAppChooserButton — A button to launch an application chooser dialog
- GtkAppChooserDialog — An application chooser dialog
- GtkAppChooserWidget — Application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets
- Gestures and event handling
- GtkEventController — Self-contained handler of series of events
- GtkGesture — Base class for gestures
- GtkGestureSingle — Base class for mouse/single-touch gestures
- GtkGestureDrag — Drag gesture
- GtkGestureLongPress — "Press and Hold" gesture
- GtkGestureMultiPress — Multipress gesture
- GtkGesturePan — Pan gesture
- GtkGestureSwipe — Swipe gesture
- GtkGestureRotate — Rotate gesture
- GtkGestureZoom — Zoom gesture
- GtkPadController — Controller for drawing tablet pads
- Deprecated
- GtkSymbolicColor — Symbolic colors
- GtkGradient — Gradients
- Resource Files — Deprecated routines for handling resource files
- GtkStyle — Deprecated object that holds style information for widgets
- GtkHScale — A horizontal slider widget for selecting a value from a range
- GtkVScale — A vertical slider widget for selecting a value from a range
- GtkTearoffMenuItem — A menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu
- GtkColorSelection — Deprecated widget used to select a color
- GtkColorSelectionDialog — Deprecated dialog box for selecting a color
- GtkHSV — A “color wheel” widget
- GtkFontSelection — Deprecated widget for selecting fonts
- GtkFontSelectionDialog — Deprecated dialog box for selecting fonts
- GtkHBox — A horizontal container box
- GtkVBox — A vertical container box
- GtkHButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons horizontally
- GtkVButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons vertically
- GtkHPaned — A container with two panes arranged horizontally
- GtkVPaned — A container with two panes arranged vertically
- GtkTable — Pack widgets in regular patterns
- GtkHSeparator — A horizontal separator
- GtkVSeparator — A vertical separator
- GtkHScrollbar — A horizontal scrollbar
- GtkVScrollbar — A vertical scrollbar
- GtkUIManager — Constructing menus and toolbars from an XML description
- GtkActionGroup — A group of actions
- GtkAction — A deprecated action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item
- GtkToggleAction — An action which can be toggled between two states
- GtkRadioAction — An action of which only one in a group can be active
- GtkRecentAction — An action of which represents a list of recently used files
- GtkActivatable — An interface for activatable widgets
- GtkImageMenuItem — A deprecated widget for a menu item with an icon
- GtkMisc — Base class for widgets with alignments and padding
- Stock Items — Prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
- Themeable Stock Images — Manipulating stock icons
- GtkNumerableIcon — A GIcon that allows numbered emblems
- GtkArrow — Displays an arrow
- GtkStatusIcon — Display an icon in the system tray
- GtkThemingEngine — Theming renderers
- GtkAlignment — A widget which controls the alignment and size of its child
- III. GTK+ Core Reference
- Main loop and Events — Library initialization, main event loop, and events
- Version Information — Variables and functions to check the GTK+ version
- Accelerator Groups — Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire GtkWindow
- Accelerator Maps — Loadable keyboard accelerator specifications
- Clipboards — Storing data on clipboards
- Drag and Drop — Functions for controlling drag and drop handling
- Settings — Sharing settings between applications
- Bindings — Key bindings for individual widgets
- Standard Enumerations — Public enumerated types used throughout GTK+
- Selections — Functions for handling inter-process communication via selections
- Testing — Utilities for testing GTK+ applications
- Filesystem utilities — Functions for working with GIO
- IV. Theming in GTK+
- GTK+ CSS — Overview of CSS in GTK+
- GTK+ CSS — GTK+ CSS Properties
- GtkStyleContext — Rendering UI elements
- GtkCssProvider — CSS-like styling for widgets
- GtkStyleProvider — Interface to provide style information to GtkStyleContext
- GtkStyleProperties — Store for style property information
- GtkWidgetPath — Widget path abstraction
- GtkIconTheme — Looking up icons by name
- V. Migrating from Previous Versions of GTK+
- Migrating from GTK+ 2.x to GTK+ 3
- Preparation in GTK+ 2.x
- Changes that need to be done at the time of the switch
- Replace size_request by get_preferred_width/height
- Replace GdkRegion by cairo_region_t
- Replace GdkPixmap by cairo surfaces
- Replace GdkColormap by GdkVisual
- GdkDrawable is gone
- Event filtering
- Backend-specific code
- GtkPlug and GtkSocket
- The GtkWidget::draw signal
- GtkProgressBar orientation
- Check your expand and fill flags
- Scrolling changes
- GtkObject is gone
- GtkEntryCompletion signal parameters
- Resize grips
- Prevent mixed linkage
- Install GTK+ modules in the right place
- Theming changes
- Migrating from libunique to GApplication or GtkApplication
- Migrating from EggSMClient to GtkApplication
- Migrating from other containers to GtkGrid
- Migration Details Checklist
- Migrating from one GTK+ 3 release to another
- VI. GTK+ Tools
- gtk3-demo — Demonstrate GTK+ widgets
- gtk3-demo-application — Demonstrate GtkApplication
- gtk3-widget-factory — Demonstrate GTK+ widgets
- gtk3-icon-browser — List themed icons
- gtk-query-immodules-3.0 — Input method module registration utility
- gtk-update-icon-cache — Icon theme caching utility
- gtk-encode-symbolic-svg — Symbolic icon conversion utility
- gtk-builder-tool — GtkBuilder file utility
- gtk-launch — Launch an application
- gtk-query-settings — Utility to print name and value of all GtkSettings properties
- broadwayd — Broadway display server
- VII. GTK+ Platform Support
- Compiling the GTK+ libraries — How to compile GTK+ itself
- Compiling GTK+ Applications — How to compile your GTK+ application
- Running GTK+ Applications — How to run and debug your GTK+ application
- Using GTK+ on the X Window System — X11-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Using GTK+ on Windows — Windows-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Using GTK+ on Mac OS X — OS X-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Using GTK+ with Broadway — HTML-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Using GTK+ with Wayland — Wayland-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Using GTK+ with Mir — Mir-specific aspects of using GTK+
- Glossary
- Index of all symbols
- Index of deprecated symbols
- Index of new symbols in 3.0
- Index of new symbols in 3.2
- Index of new symbols in 3.4
- Index of new symbols in 3.6
- Index of new symbols in 3.8
- Index of new symbols in 3.10
- Index of new symbols in 3.12
- Index of new symbols in 3.14
- Index of new symbols in 3.16
- Index of new symbols in 3.18
- Index of new symbols in 3.20
- Index of new symbols in 3.22
- Annotation Glossary
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