

npm Package @angular/core
Module import { ClassDefinition } from '@angular/core';
Source core/src/util/decorators.ts
type ClassDefinition = {
   * Optional argument for specifying the superclass.
  extends?: Type<any>;

   * Required constructor function for a class.
   * The function may be optionally wrapped in an `Array`, in which case additional parameter
   * annotations may be specified.
   * The number of arguments and the number of parameter annotations must match.
   * See Class for example of usage.
  constructor: Function | any[];
} &
   * Other methods on the class. Note that values should have type 'Function' but TS requires
   * all properties to have a narrower type than the index signature.
  [x: string]: Type<any>|Function|any[];


Declares the interface to be used with Class.

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