Class BehaviorCollection

Model behavior collection class.

Defines the Behavior interface, and contains common model interaction functionality.

Extended by BehaviorCollection implements CakeEventListener
Package: Cake\Model
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Model/BehaviorCollection.php

Properties summary

  • $_mappedMethods protected
    Keeps a list of all methods which have been mapped with regular expressions
  • $_methods protected
    Keeps a list of all methods of attached behaviors
  • $modelName public
    Stores a reference to the attached name

Inherited Properties

Method Summary

  • attach() public
    Backwards compatible alias for load()
  • detach() public
    Backwards compatible alias for unload()
  • Dispatches a behavior method. Will call either normal methods or mapped methods.
  • hasMethod() public

    Check to see if a behavior in this collection implements the provided method. Will also check mappedMethods.

  • Returns the implemented events that will get routed to the trigger function in order to dispatch them separately on each behavior

  • init() public
    Attaches a model object and loads a list of behaviors
  • load() public

    Loads a behavior into the collection. You can use use $config['enabled'] = false to load a behavior with callbacks disabled. By default callbacks are enabled. Disable behaviors can still be used as normal.

  • methods() public

    Gets the method list for attached behaviors, i.e. all public, non-callback methods. This does not include mappedMethods.

  • unload() public
    Detaches a behavior from a model

Method Detail

attach()source public

attach( string $behavior , array $config array() )

Backwards compatible alias for load()


3.0.0 Will be removed in 3.0. Replaced with load().


string $behavior
Behavior name.
array $config optional array()
Configuration options.

detach()source public

detach( string $name )

Backwards compatible alias for unload()


3.0.0 Will be removed in 3.0. Use unload instead.


string $name
Name of behavior

dispatchMethod()source public

dispatchMethod( Model $model , string $method , array $params array() , boolean $strict false )

Dispatches a behavior method. Will call either normal methods or mapped methods.

If a method is not handled by the BehaviorCollection, and $strict is false, a special return of array('unhandled') will be returned to signal the method was not found.


Model $model
The model the method was originally called on.
string $method
The method called.
array $params optional array()
Parameters for the called method.
boolean $strict optional false
If methods are not found, trigger an error.


All methods for all behaviors attached to this object

hasMethod()source public

hasMethod( string $method , boolean $callback false )

Check to see if a behavior in this collection implements the provided method. Will also check mappedMethods.


string $method
The method to find.
boolean $callback optional false
Return the callback for the method.



If $callback is false, a boolean will be returned, if its true, an array containing callback information will be returned. For mapped methods the array will have 3 elements.

implementedEvents()source public

implementedEvents( )

Returns the implemented events that will get routed to the trigger function in order to dispatch them separately on each behavior



Implementation of


init()source public

init( string $modelName , array $behaviors array() )

Attaches a model object and loads a list of behaviors


string $modelName
Model name.
array $behaviors optional array()
Behaviors list.

load()source public

load( string $behavior , array $config array() )

Loads a behavior into the collection. You can use use $config['enabled'] = false to load a behavior with callbacks disabled. By default callbacks are enabled. Disable behaviors can still be used as normal.

You can alias your behavior as an existing behavior by setting the 'className' key, i.e.,

public $actsAs = array(
  'Tree' => array(
    'className' => 'AliasedTree'

All calls to the Tree behavior would use AliasedTree instead.


string $behavior
CamelCased name of the behavior to load
array $config optional array()
Behavior configuration parameters


True on success, false on failure


when a behavior could not be found.

methods()source public

methods( )

Gets the method list for attached behaviors, i.e. all public, non-callback methods. This does not include mappedMethods.


All public methods for all behaviors attached to this collection

unload()source public

unload( string $name )

Detaches a behavior from a model


string $name
CamelCased name of the behavior to unload



Methods inherited from ObjectCollection

__get()source public

__get( string $name )

Provide public read access to the loaded objects


string $name
Name of property to read



__isset()source public

__isset( string $name )

Provide isset access to _loaded


string $name
Name of object being checked.



attached()source public

attached( string $name null )

Gets the list of attached objects, or, whether the given object is attached


3.0.0 Will be removed in 3.0. Use loaded instead.


string $name optional null

Optional. The name of the object to check the status of. If omitted, returns an array of currently-attached objects



If $name is specified, returns the boolean status of the corresponding object. Otherwise, returns an array of all attached objects.

disable()source public

disable( string|array $name )

Disables callbacks on an object or array of objects. Public object methods are still callable as normal.


string|array $name
CamelCased name of the objects(s) to disable (string or array)

enable()source public

enable( string|array $name , boolean $prioritize true )

Enables callbacks on an object or array of objects


string|array $name
CamelCased name of the object(s) to enable (string or array)
boolean $prioritize optional true
Prioritize enabled list after enabling object(s)

enabled()source public

enabled( string $name null )

Gets the list of currently-enabled objects, or, the current status of a single objects


string $name optional null

Optional. The name of the object to check the status of. If omitted, returns an array of currently-enabled object



If $name is specified, returns the boolean status of the corresponding object. Otherwise, returns an array of all enabled objects.

loaded()source public

loaded( string $name null )

Gets the list of loaded objects, or, whether the given object is loaded


string $name optional null

Optional. The name of the object to check the status of. If omitted, returns an array of currently-loaded objects



If $name is specified, returns the boolean status of the corresponding object. Otherwise, returns an array of all loaded objects.

normalizeObjectArray()source public static

normalizeObjectArray( array $objects )

Normalizes an object array, creates an array that makes lazy loading easier


array $objects
Array of child objects to normalize.


Array of normalized objects.

prioritize()source public

prioritize( )

Prioritize list of enabled object


Prioritized list of object

set()source public

set( string $name null , CakeObject $object null )

Adds or overwrites an instantiated object to the collection


string $name optional null
Name of the object
CakeObject $object optional null
The object to use


Loaded objects

setPriority()source public

setPriority( string|array $name , integer|null $priority null )

Set priority for an object or array of objects


string|array $name

CamelCased name of the object(s) to enable (string or array) If string the second param $priority is used else it should be an associative array with keys as object names and values as priorities to set.

integer|null $priority optional null
Integer priority to set or null for default

trigger()source public

trigger( string|CakeEvent $callback , array $params array() , array $options array() )

Trigger a callback method on every object in the collection. Used to trigger methods on objects in the collection. Will fire the methods in the order they were attached.


  • breakOn Set to the value or values you want the callback propagation to stop on. Can either be a scalar value, or an array of values to break on. Defaults to false.

  • break Set to true to enabled breaking. When a trigger is broken, the last returned value will be returned. If used in combination with collectReturn the collected results will be returned. Defaults to false.

  • collectReturn Set to true to collect the return of each object into an array. This array of return values will be returned from the trigger() call. Defaults to false.

  • modParams Allows each object the callback gets called on to modify the parameters to the next object. Setting modParams to an integer value will allow you to modify the parameter with that index. Any non-null value will modify the parameter index indicated. Defaults to false.


string|CakeEvent $callback

Method to fire on all the objects. Its assumed all the objects implement the method you are calling. If an instance of CakeEvent is provided, then then Event name will parsed to get the callback name. This is done by getting the last word after any dot in the event name (eg. Model.afterSave event will trigger the afterSave callback)

array $params optional array()
Array of parameters for the triggered callback.
array $options optional array()
Array of options.


Either the last result or all results if collectReturn is on.


when modParams is used with an index that does not exist.

Properties detail


protected array

Keeps a list of all methods which have been mapped with regular expressions



protected array

Keeps a list of all methods of attached behaviors



public string

Stores a reference to the attached name


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