Class Client

The end user interface for doing HTTP requests.

Scoped clients

If you're doing multiple requests to the same hostname it's often convenient to use the constructor arguments to create a scoped client. This allows you to keep your code DRY and not repeat hostnames, authentication, and other options.

Doing requests

Once you've created an instance of Client you can do requests using several methods. Each corresponds to a different HTTP method.

  • get()
  • post()
  • put()
  • delete()
  • patch()

Cookie management

Client will maintain cookies from the responses done with a client instance. These cookies will be automatically added to future requests to matching hosts. Cookies will respect the Expires, Path and Domain attributes. You can get the client's CookieCollection using cookies()

You can use the 'cookieJar' constructor option to provide a custom cookie jar instance you've restored from cache/disk. By default an empty instance of Cake\Http\Client\CookieCollection will be created.

Sending request bodies

By default any POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE request with $data will send their data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded unless there are attached files. In that case multipart/form-data will be used.

When sending request bodies you can use the type option to set the Content-Type for the request:

$http->get('/users', [], ['type' => 'json']);

The type option sets both the Content-Type and Accept header, to the same mime type. When using type you can use either a full mime type or an alias. If you need different types in the Accept and Content-Type headers you should set them manually and not use type

Using authentication

By using the auth key you can use authentication. The type sub option can be used to specify which authentication strategy you want to use. CakePHP comes with a few built-in strategies:

  • Basic
  • Digest
  • Oauth

Using proxies

By using the proxy key you can set authentication credentials for a proxy if you need to use one. The type sub option can be used to specify which authentication strategy you want to use. CakePHP comes with built-in support for basic authentication.

Namespace: Cake\Http

Properties summary

  • $_adapter protected

    Adapter for sending requests.

  • $_config protected

    Runtime config

  • bool

    Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults

  • $_cookies protected

    List of cookies from responses made with this client.

  • $_defaultConfig protected

    Default configuration for the client.

Method Summary

  • __construct() public

    Create a new HTTP Client.

  • _addAuthentication() protected

    Add authentication headers to the request.

  • _addProxy() protected

    Add proxy authentication headers.

  • _configDelete() protected

    Deletes a single config key.

  • _configRead() protected

    Reads a config key.

  • _configWrite() protected

    Writes a config key.

  • _createAuth() protected

    Create the authentication strategy.

  • _createRequest() protected

    Creates a new request object based on the parameters.

  • _doRequest() protected

    Helper method for doing non-GET requests.

  • _mergeOptions() protected

    Does a recursive merge of the parameter with the scope config.

  • _sendRequest() protected

    Send a request without redirection.

  • _typeHeaders() protected

    Returns headers for Accept/Content-Type based on a short type or full mime-type.

  • addCookie() public

    Adds a cookie to the Client collection.

  • buildUrl() public

    Generate a URL based on the scoped client options.

  • config() public

    Gets/Sets the config.

  • configShallow() public

    Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike config() which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.

  • cookies() public

    Get the cookies stored in the Client.

  • delete() public

    Do a DELETE request.

  • get() public

    Do a GET request.

  • getConfig() public

    Returns the config.

  • getConfigOrFail() public

    Returns the config for this specific key.

  • head() public

    Do a HEAD request.

  • options() public

    Do an OPTIONS request.

  • patch() public

    Do a PATCH request.

  • post() public

    Do a POST request.

  • put() public

    Do a PUT request.

  • send() public

    Send a request.

  • setConfig() public

    Sets the config.

  • trace() public

    Do a TRACE request.

Method Detail

__construct() public

__construct(mixed $config)

Create a new HTTP Client.

Config options

You can set the following options when creating a client:

  • host - The hostname to do requests on.
  • port - The port to use.
  • scheme - The default scheme/protocol to use. Defaults to http.
  • timeout - The timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30
  • ssl_verify_peer - Whether or not SSL certificates should be validated. Defaults to true.
  • ssl_verify_peer_name - Whether or not peer names should be validated. Defaults to true.
  • ssl_verify_depth - The maximum certificate chain depth to traverse. Defaults to 5.
  • ssl_verify_host - Verify that the certificate and hostname match. Defaults to true.
  • redirect - Number of redirects to follow. Defaults to false.
  • adapter - The adapter class name or instance. Defaults to \Cake\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl if curl extension is loaded else \Cake\Http\Client\Adapter\Stream.
  • protocolVersion - The HTTP protocol version to use. Defaults to 1.1


array $config optional

Config options for scoped clients.



_addAuthentication() protected

_addAuthentication(\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request, mixed $options)

Add authentication headers to the request.

Uses the authentication type to choose the correct strategy and use its methods to add headers.


\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request

The request to modify.

array $options

Array of options containing the 'auth' key.



The updated request object.

_addProxy() protected

_addProxy(\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request, mixed $options)

Add proxy authentication headers.

Uses the authentication type to choose the correct strategy and use its methods to add headers.


\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request

The request to modify.

array $options

Array of options containing the 'proxy' key.



The updated request object.

_configDelete() protected

_configDelete(mixed $key)

Deletes a single config key.


string $key

Key to delete.


if attempting to clobber existing config

_configRead() protected

_configRead(mixed $key)

Reads a config key.


string|null $key

Key to read.



_configWrite() protected

_configWrite(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $merge)

Writes a config key.


string|array $key

Key to write to.

mixed $value

Value to write.

bool|string $merge optional

True to merge recursively, 'shallow' for simple merge, false to overwrite, defaults to false.


if attempting to clobber existing config

_createAuth() protected

_createAuth(mixed $auth, mixed $options)

Create the authentication strategy.

Use the configuration options to create the correct authentication strategy handler.


array $auth

The authentication options to use.

array $options

The overall request options to use.



Authentication strategy instance.


when an invalid strategy is chosen.

_createRequest() protected

_createRequest(mixed $method, mixed $url, mixed $data, mixed $options)

Creates a new request object based on the parameters.


string $method

HTTP method name.

string $url

The url including query string.

mixed $data

The request body.

array $options

The options to use. Contains auth, proxy, etc.



_doRequest() protected

_doRequest(mixed $method, mixed $url, mixed $data, mixed $options)

Helper method for doing non-GET requests.


string $method

HTTP method.

string $url

URL to request.

mixed $data

The request body.

array $options

The options to use. Contains auth, proxy, etc.



_mergeOptions() protected

_mergeOptions(mixed $options)

Does a recursive merge of the parameter with the scope config.


array $options

Options to merge.



Options merged with set config.

_sendRequest() protected

_sendRequest(\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request, mixed $options)

Send a request without redirection.


\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request

The request to send.

array $options

Additional options to use.



_typeHeaders() protected

_typeHeaders(mixed $type)

Returns headers for Accept/Content-Type based on a short type or full mime-type.


string $type

short type alias or full mimetype.



Headers to set on the request.


When an unknown type alias is used.

addCookie() public

addCookie(\Cake\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface $cookie)

Adds a cookie to the Client collection.


\Cake\Http\Cookie\CookieInterface $cookie

Cookie object.





buildUrl() public

buildUrl(mixed $url, mixed $query, mixed $options)

Generate a URL based on the scoped client options.


string $url

Either a full URL or just the path.

string|array $query optional

The query data for the URL.

array $options optional

The config options stored with Client::config()



A complete url with scheme, port, host, and path.

config() public

config(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $merge)

Gets/Sets the config.


Reading the whole config:


Reading a specific value:


Reading a nested value:


Setting a specific value:

$this->config('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->config('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->config(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);


string|array|null $key optional

The key to get/set, or a complete array of configs.

mixed|null $value optional

The value to set.

bool $merge optional

Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.



Config value being read, or the object itself on write operations.


When trying to set a key that is invalid.

configShallow() public

configShallow(mixed $key, mixed $value)

Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike config() which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.

Setting a specific value:

$this->configShallow('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->configShallow('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->configShallow(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);


string|array $key

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

mixed|null $value optional

The value to set.



cookies() public


Get the cookies stored in the Client.



delete() public

delete(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a DELETE request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The request data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



get() public

get(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a GET request.

The $data argument supports a special _content key for providing a request body in a GET request. This is generally not used, but services like ElasticSearch use this feature.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

array $data optional

The query data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



getConfig() public

getConfig(mixed $key, mixed $default)

Returns the config.


Reading the whole config:


Reading a specific value:


Reading a nested value:


Reading with default value:

$this->getConfig('some-key', 'default-value');


string|null $key optional

The key to get or null for the whole config.

mixed|null $default optional

The return value when the key does not exist.



Configuration data at the named key or null if the key does not exist.

getConfigOrFail() public

getConfigOrFail(mixed $key)

Returns the config for this specific key.

The config value for this key must exist, it can never be null.


string|null $key

The key to get.



Configuration data at the named key


head(mixed $url, array $data, array $options)

Do a HEAD request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

array $data optional

The query string data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



options() public

options(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do an OPTIONS request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The request data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



patch() public

patch(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a PATCH request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The request data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



post() public

post(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a POST request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The post data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



put() public

put(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a PUT request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The request data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



send() public

send(\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request, mixed $options)

Send a request.

Used internally by other methods, but can also be used to send handcrafted Request objects.


\Cake\Http\Client\Request $request

The request to send.

array $options optional

Additional options to use.



setConfig() public

setConfig(mixed $key, mixed $value, mixed $merge)

Sets the config.


Setting a specific value:

$this->setConfig('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->setConfig('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->setConfig(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);


string|array $key

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

mixed|null $value optional

The value to set.

bool $merge optional

Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.




When trying to set a key that is invalid.

trace() public

trace(mixed $url, mixed $data, array $options)

Do a TRACE request.


string $url

The url or path you want to request.

mixed $data optional

The request data you want to send.

array $options optional

Additional options for the request.



Property Detail

$_adapter protected

Adapter for sending requests.



$_config protected

Runtime config



$_configInitialized protected

Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults



$_cookies protected

List of cookies from responses made with this client.

Cookies are indexed by the cookie's domain or request host name.



$_defaultConfig protected

Default configuration for the client.



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Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.