class Regex


A Regex represents a regular expression, a pattern that describes the contents of strings. A Regex can determine whether or not a string matches its description, and extract the parts of the string that match.

A Regex can be created using the literal syntax, in which it is delimited by forward slashes (/):

/hay/ =~ "haystack"   # => 0
/y/.match("haystack") # => Regex::MatchData("y")

See Regex literals in the language reference.

Interpolation works in regular expression literals just as it does in string literals. Be aware that using this feature will cause an exception to be raised at runtime, if the resulting string would not be a valid regular expression.

x = "a"
/#{x}/.match("asdf") # => Regex::MatchData("a")
x = "("
/#{x}/ # raises ArgumentError

When we check to see if a particular regular expression describes a string, we can say that we are performing a match or matching one against the other. If we find that a regular expression does describe a string, we say that it matches, and we can refer to a part of the string that was described as a match.

Here "haystack" does not contain the pattern /needle/, so it doesn't match:

/needle/.match("haystack") # => nil

Here "haystack" contains the pattern /hay/, so it matches:

/hay/.match("haystack") # => Regex::MatchData("hay")

Regex methods that perform a match usually return a truthy value if there was a match and nil if there was no match. After performing a match, the special variable $~ will be an instance of Regex::MatchData if it matched, nil otherwise.

When matching a regular expression using #=~ (either String#=~ or Regex#=~), the returned value will be the index of the first match in the string if the expression matched, nil otherwise.

/stack/ =~ "haystack"  # => 3
"haystack" =~ /stack/  # => 3
$~                     # => Regex::MatchData("stack")
/needle/ =~ "haystack" # => nil
"haystack" =~ /needle/ # => nil
$~                     # raises Exception

When matching a regular expression using #match (either String#match or Regex#match), the returned value will be a Regex::MatchData if the expression matched, nil otherwise.

/hay/.match("haystack")    # => Regex::MatchData("hay")
"haystack".match(/hay/)    # => Regex::MatchData("hay")
$~                         # => Regex::MatchData("hay")
/needle/.match("haystack") # => nil
"haystack".match(/needle/) # => nil
$~                         # raises Exception

Regular expressions have their own language for describing strings.

Many programming languages and tools implement their own regular expression language, but Crystal uses PCRE, a popular C library for providing regular expressions. Here give a brief summary of the most basic features of regular expressions - grouping, repetition, and alternation - but the feature set of PCRE extends far beyond these, and we don't attempt to describe it in full here. For more information, refer to the PCRE documentation, especially the full pattern syntax or syntax quick reference.

The regular expression language can be used to match much more than just the static substrings in the above examples. Certain characters, called metacharacters, are given special treatment in regular expressions, and can be used to describe more complex patterns. To match metacharacters literally in a regular expression, they must be escaped by being preceded with a backslash (\). .escape will do this automatically for a given String.

A group of characters (often called a capture group or subpattern) can be identified by enclosing it in parentheses (()). The contents of each capture group can be extracted on a successful match:

/a(sd)f/.match("_asdf_")                     # => Regex::MatchData("asdf" 1:"sd")
/a(sd)f/.match("_asdf_").try &.[1]           # => "sd"
/a(?<grp>sd)f/.match("_asdf_")               # => Regex::MatchData("asdf" grp:"sd")
/a(?<grp>sd)f/.match("_asdf_").try &.["grp"] # => "sd"

Capture groups are indexed starting from 1. Methods that accept a capture group index will usually also accept 0 to refer to the full match. Capture groups can also be given names, using the (?<name>...) syntax, as in the previous example.

Following a match, the special variables $N (e.g., $1, $2, $3, ...) can be used to access a capture group. Trying to access an invalid capture group will raise an exception. Note that it is possible to have a successful match with a nil capture:

/(spice)(s)?/.match("spice") # => Regex::MatchData("spice" 1:"spice" 2:nil)
1                           # => "spice"
2                           # => raises Exception

This can be mitigated by using the nilable version of the above: $N?, (e.g., $1? $2?, $3?, ...). Changing the above to use $2? instead of $2 would return nil. $2?.nil? would return true.

A character or group can be repeated or made optional using an asterisk (* - zero or more), a plus sign (#+ - one or more), integer bounds in curly braces ({n,m}) (at least n, no more than m), or a question mark (?) (zero or one).

/fo*/.match("_f_")         # => Regex::MatchData("f")
/fo+/.match("_f_")         # => nil
/fo*/.match("_foo_")       # => Regex::MatchData("foo")
/fo{3,}/.match("_foo_")    # => nil
/fo{1,3}/.match("_foo_")   # => Regex::MatchData("foo")
/fo*/.match("_foo_")       # => Regex::MatchData("foo")
/fo*/.match("_foooooooo_") # => Regex::MatchData("foooooooo")
/fo{,3}/.match("_foooo_")  # => nil
/f(op)*/.match("fopopo")   # => Regex::MatchData("fopop" 1:"op")
/foo?bar/.match("foobar")  # => Regex::MatchData("foobar")
/foo?bar/.match("fobar")   # => Regex::MatchData("fobar")

Alternatives can be separated using a vertical bar (|). Any single character can be represented by dot (.). When matching only one character, specific alternatives can be expressed as a character class, enclosed in square brackets ([]):

/foo|bar/.match("foo")     # => Regex::MatchData("foo")
/foo|bar/.match("bar")     # => Regex::MatchData("bar")
/_(x|y)_/.match("_x_")     # => Regex::MatchData("_x_" 1:"x")
/_(x|y)_/.match("_y_")     # => Regex::MatchData("_y_" 1:"y")
/_(x|y)_/.match("_(x|y)_") # => nil
/_(x|y)_/.match("_(x|y)_") # => nil
/_._/.match("_x_")         # => Regex::MatchData("_x_")
/_[xyz]_/.match("_x_")     # => Regex::MatchData("_x_")
/_[a-z]_/.match("_x_")     # => Regex::MatchData("_x_")
/_[^a-z]_/.match("_x_")    # => nil
/_[^a-wy-z]_/.match("_x_") # => Regex::MatchData("_x_")

Regular expressions can be defined with these 3 optional flags:

  • i: ignore case (PCRE_CASELESS)
  • m: multiline (PCRE_MULTILINE and PCRE_DOTALL)
  • x: extended (PCRE_EXTENDED)
/asdf/ =~ "ASDF"    # => nil
/asdf/i =~ "ASDF"   # => 0
/^z/i =~ "ASDF\nZ"  # => nil
/^z/im =~ "ASDF\nZ" # => 5

PCRE supports other encodings, but Crystal strings are UTF-8 only, so Crystal regular expressions are also UTF-8 only (by default).

PCRE optionally permits named capture groups (named subpatterns) to not be unique. Crystal exposes the name table of a Regex as a Hash of String => Int32, and therefore requires named capture groups to have unique names within a single Regex.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = {' ', '.', '\\', '+', '*', '?', '[', '^', ']', '$', '(', ')', '{', '}', '=', '!', '<', '>', '|', ':', '-'}

List of metacharacters that need to be escaped.

See Regex.needs_escape? and Regex.escape.


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Reference

==(other : self)
==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
==(other) ==
, dup dup, hash(hasher) hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, object_id : UInt64 object_id, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, same?(other : Reference) : Bool
same?(other : Nil) same?
, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Constructor methods inherited from class Reference

new new

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
hash hash
, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool in?
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String inspect
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String to_json
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil to_pretty_json
, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String to_s
, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String to_yaml
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
from_json(string_or_io) from_json
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Constructor Detail

def : String, options : Options = Options::None)Source

Creates a new Regex out of the given source String."^a-z+:\\s+\\w+")                   # => /^a-z+:\s+\w+/"cat", Regex::Options::IGNORE_CASE) # => /cat/i
options = Regex::Options::IGNORE_CASE | Regex::Options::EXTENDED"dog", options) # => /dog/ix

def self.union(patterns : Enumerable(Regex | String)) : selfSource

Union. Returns a Regex that matches any of patterns.

All capture groups in the patterns after the first one will have their indexes offset.

re = Regex.union([/skiing/i, "sledding"])
re.match("Skiing")   # => Regex::MatchData("Skiing")
re.match("sledding") # => Regex::MatchData("sledding")
re = Regex.union({/skiing/i, "sledding"})
re.match("Skiing")   # => Regex::MatchData("Skiing")
re.match("sledding") # => Regex::MatchData("sledding")

def self.union(*patterns : Regex | String) : selfSource

Union. Returns a Regex that matches any of patterns.

All capture groups in the patterns after the first one will have their indexes offset.

re = Regex.union(/skiing/i, "sledding")
re.match("Skiing")   # => Regex::MatchData("Skiing")
re.match("sledding") # => Regex::MatchData("sledding")

Class Method Detail

def self.error?(source) : String?Source

Determines Regex's source validity. If it is, nil is returned. If it's not, a String containing the error message is returned.

Regex.error?("(foo|bar)") # => nil
Regex.error?("(foo|bar")  # => "missing ) at 8"

def self.escape(str) : StringSource

Returns a String constructed by escaping any metacharacters in str.

string = Regex.escape("*?{}.") # => "\\*\\?\\{\\}\\."
/#{string}/                    # => /\*\?\{\}\./

def self.needs_escape?(char : Char) : BoolSource

Returns true if char need to be escaped, false otherwise.

Regex.needs_escape?('*') # => true
Regex.needs_escape?('@') # => false

def self.needs_escape?(str : String) : BoolSource

Returns true if str need to be escaped, false otherwise.

Regex.needs_escape?("10$") # => true
Regex.needs_escape?("foo") # => false

Instance Method Detail

def +(other) : RegexSource

Union. Returns a Regex that matches either of the operands.

All capture groups in the second operand will have their indexes offset.

re = /skiing/i + /sledding/
re.match("Skiing")   # => Regex::MatchData("Skiing")
re.match("sledding") # => Regex::MatchData("sledding")

def ==(other : Regex)Source

Equality. Two regexes are equal if their sources and options are the same.

/abc/ == /abc/i  # => false
/abc/i == /ABC/i # => false
/abc/i == /abc/i # => true

def ===(other : String)Source

Case equality. This is equivalent to #match or #=~ but only returns true or false. Used in case expressions. The special variable $~ will contain a Regex::MatchData if there was a match, nil otherwise.

a = "HELLO"
b = case a
    when /^[a-z]*$/
      "Lower case"
    when /^[A-Z]*$/
      "Upper case"
      "Mixed case"
b # => "Upper case"

def ===(other : JSON::Any)Source

def ===(other : YAML::Any)Source

def =~(other : String) : Int32?Source

Match. Matches a regular expression against other and returns the starting position of the match if other is a matching String, otherwise nil. $~ will contain a Regex::MatchData if there was a match, nil otherwise.

/at/ =~ "input data" # => 7
/ax/ =~ "input data" # => nil

def =~(other) : NilSource

Match. When the argument is not a String, always returns nil.

/at/ =~ "input data" # => 7
/ax/ =~ "input data" # => nil

def capture_count : Int32Source

Returns the number of (named & non-named) capture groups.

/(?:.+)/.capture_count     # => 0
/(?<foo>.+)/.capture_count # => 1
/(.)/.capture_count        # => 1
/(.)|(.)/.capture_count    # => 2

def cloneSource

def dupSource

Description copied from class Reference

Returns a shallow copy of this object.

This allocates a new object and copies the contents of self into it.

def hash(hasher)Source

def inspect(io : IO) : NilSource

Convert to String in literal format. Returns the source as a String in Regex literal format, delimited in forward slashes (/), with any optional flags included.

/ab+c/ix.inspect # => "/ab+c/ix"

def match(str, pos = 0, options = Regex::Options::None) : MatchData?Source

Match at character index. Matches a regular expression against String str. Starts at the character index given by pos if given, otherwise at the start of str. Returns a Regex::MatchData if str matched, otherwise nil. $~ will contain the same value that was returned.

/(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc").try &.[2]   # => "b"
/(.)(.)/.match("abc", 1).try &.[2]   # => "c"
/(.)(.)/.match("クリスタル", 3).try &.[2] # => "ル"

def match_at_byte_index(str, byte_index = 0, options = Regex::Options::None) : MatchData?Source

Match at byte index. Matches a regular expression against String str. Starts at the byte index given by pos if given, otherwise at the start of str. Returns a Regex::MatchData if str matched, otherwise nil. $~ will contain the same value that was returned.

/(.)(.)(.)/.match_at_byte_index("abc").try &.[2]   # => "b"
/(.)(.)/.match_at_byte_index("abc", 1).try &.[2]   # => "c"
/(.)(.)/.match_at_byte_index("クリスタル", 3).try &.[2] # => "ス"

def matches?(str, pos = 0, options = Regex::Options::None) : BoolSource

Match at character index. It behaves like #match, however it returns Bool value. It neither returns MatchData nor assigns it to the $~ variable.

/foo/.matches?("bar") # => false
/foo/.matches?("foo") # => true

# `$~` is not set even if last match succeeds.
$~ # raises Exception

def matches_at_byte_index?(str, byte_index = 0, options = Regex::Options::None) : BoolSource

Match at byte index. It behaves like #match_at_byte_index, however it returns Bool value. It neither returns MatchData nor assigns it to the $~ variable.

def name_table : Hash(UInt16, String)Source

Returns a Hash where the values are the names of capture groups and the keys are their indexes. Non-named capture groups will not have entries in the Hash. Capture groups are indexed starting from 1.

/(.)/.name_table                         # => {}
/(?<foo>.)/.name_table                   # => {1 => "foo"}
/(?<foo>.)(?<bar>.)/.name_table          # => {2 => "bar", 1 => "foo"}
/(.)(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)(.)/.name_table # => {4 => "bar", 2 => "foo"}

def options : OptionsSource

Returns a Regex::Options representing the optional flags applied to this Regex.

/ab+c/ix.options      # => Regex::Options::IGNORE_CASE | Regex::Options::EXTENDED
/ab+c/ix.options.to_s # => "IGNORE_CASE | EXTENDED"

def source : StringSource

Returns the original String representation of the Regex pattern.

/ab+c/x.source # => "ab+c"

def to_s(io : IO) : NilSource

Convert to String in subpattern format. Produces a String which can be embedded in another Regex via interpolation, where it will be interpreted as a non-capturing subexpression in another regular expression.

re = /A*/i                 # => /A*/i
re.to_s                    # => "(?i-msx:A*)"
"Crystal".match(/t#{re}l/) # => Regex::MatchData("tal")
re = /A*/                  # => "(?-imsx:A*)"
"Crystal".match(/t#{re}l/) # => nil

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