docker stack services


List the services in the stack

API 1.25+ The client and daemon API must both be at least 1.25 to use this command. Use the docker version command on the client to check your client and daemon API versions.


docker stack services [OPTIONS] STACK


Name, shorthand Default Description
--filter , -f Filter output based on conditions provided
--format Pretty-print services using a Go template
--quiet , -q Only display IDs

Parent command

Command Description
docker stack Manage Docker stacks
Command Description
docker stack deploy Deploy a new stack or update an existing stack
docker stack ls List stacks
docker stack ps List the tasks in the stack
docker stack rm Remove one or more stacks
docker stack services List the services in the stack

Extended description

Lists the services that are running as part of the specified stack. This command has to be run targeting a manager node.


The following command shows all services in the myapp stack:

$ docker stack services myapp

ID            NAME            REPLICAS  IMAGE                                                                          COMMAND
7be5ei6sqeye  myapp_web       1/1       nginx@sha256:23f809e7fd5952e7d5be065b4d3643fbbceccd349d537b62a123ef2201bc886f
dn7m7nhhfb9y  myapp_db        1/1       mysql@sha256:a9a5b559f8821fe73d58c3606c812d1c044868d42c63817fa5125fd9d8b7b539


The filtering flag (-f or --filter) format is a key=value pair. If there is more than one filter, then pass multiple flags (e.g. --filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz"). Multiple filter flags are combined as an OR filter.

The following command shows both the web and db services:

$ docker stack services --filter name=myapp_web --filter name=myapp_db myapp

ID            NAME            REPLICAS  IMAGE                                                                          COMMAND
7be5ei6sqeye  myapp_web       1/1       nginx@sha256:23f809e7fd5952e7d5be065b4d3643fbbceccd349d537b62a123ef2201bc886f
dn7m7nhhfb9y  myapp_db        1/1       mysql@sha256:a9a5b559f8821fe73d58c3606c812d1c044868d42c63817fa5125fd9d8b7b539

The currently supported filters are:

  • id / ID (--filter id=7be5ei6sqeye, or --filter ID=7be5ei6sqeye)
  • name (--filter name=myapp_web)
  • label (--filter label=key=value)


The formatting options (--format) pretty-prints services output using a Go template.

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:

Placeholder Description
.ID Service ID
.Name Service name
.Mode Service mode (replicated, global)
.Replicas Service replicas
.Image Service image

When using the --format option, the stack services command will either output the data exactly as the template declares or, when using the table directive, includes column headers as well.

The following example uses a template without headers and outputs the ID, Mode, and Replicas entries separated by a colon for all services:

$ docker stack services --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Mode}} {{.Replicas}}"

0zmvwuiu3vue: replicated 10/10
fm6uf97exkul: global 5/5

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