

A function that wraps the results of a store query with additional methods.

QueryResults is a basic wrapper that allows for array-like iteration over any kind of returned data from a query. While the simplest store will return a plain array of data, other stores may return deferreds or promises; this wrapper makes sure that all results can be treated the same.

Additional methods include forEach, filter and map.


Parameter Type Description
results Array | dojo/promise/Promise

The result set as an array, or a promise for an array.

Returns: any | Array|dojo/promise/Promise | undefined

An array-like object that can be used for iterating over.

See the dojo/store/util/QueryResults reference documentation for more information.


Example 1

Query a store and iterate over the results.

store.query({ prime: true }).forEach(function(item){
    //  do something


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