
Helper functions for formatting and the formatting protocols.

Formatters are GenServers specified during ExUnit configuration that receive a series of events as casts.

The following events are possible:

  • {:suite_started, opts} - the suite has started with the specified options to the runner.

  • {:suite_finished, times_us} - the suite has finished. Returns several measurements in microseconds for running the suite. See t:times_us for more information.

  • {:module_started, test_module} - a test module has started. See ExUnit.TestModule for details.

  • {:module_finished, test_module} - a test module has finished. See ExUnit.TestModule for details.

  • {:test_started, test} - a test has started. See ExUnit.Test for details.

  • {:test_finished, test} - a test has finished. See ExUnit.Test for details.

  • {:sigquit, [test | test_module]} - the VM is going to shutdown. It receives the test cases (or test module in case of setup_all) still running.

The formatter will also receive the following events but they are deprecated and should be ignored:

  • {:case_started, test_module} - a test module has started. See ExUnit.TestModule for details.

  • {:case_finished, test_module} - a test module has finished. See ExUnit.TestModule for details.

The full ExUnit configuration is passed as the argument to GenServer.init/1 callback when the formatters are started. If you need to do runtime configuration of a formatter, you can add any configuration needed by using ExUnit.configure/1 or ExUnit.start/1, and this will then be included in the options passed to the GenServer.init/1 callback.




The times spent on several parts of the test suite.


format_filters(filters, type)

Formats filters used to constrain cases to be run.

format_test_all_failure(test_module, failures, counter, width, formatter)

Receives a test module and formats its failure.

format_test_failure(test, failures, counter, width, formatter)

Receives a test and formats its failure.


Formats time taken running the test suite.




id() :: term()



test() :: ExUnit.Test.t()



times_us() :: %{
  run: pos_integer(),
  async: pos_integer() | nil,
  load: pos_integer() | nil

The times spent on several parts of the test suite.

The following properties can be computed:

sync = run - (async || 0)
total = run + (load || 0)

async is nil when there are no async tests. load is nil when the test suite is running and loading tests concurrently.


format_filters(filters, type)Source


format_filters(keyword(), atom()) :: String.t()

Formats filters used to constrain cases to be run.


iex> format_filters([run: true, slow: false], :include)
"Including tags: [run: true, slow: false]"

format_test_all_failure(test_module, failures, counter, width, formatter)Source

Receives a test module and formats its failure.

format_test_failure(test, failures, counter, width, formatter)Source

Receives a test and formats its failure.



format_times(times_us()) :: String.t()

Formats time taken running the test suite.


iex> format_times(%{run: 10000, async: nil, load: nil})
"Finished in 0.01 seconds (0.00s async, 0.01s sync)"

iex> format_times(%{run: 10000, async: nil, load: 20000})
"Finished in 0.03 seconds (0.02s on load, 0.00s async, 0.01s sync)"

iex> format_times(%{run: 10000, async: nil, load: 200_000})
"Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.2s on load, 0.00s async, 0.01s sync)"

iex> format_times(%{run: 100_000, async: 50000, load: 200_000})
"Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.2s on load, 0.05s async, 0.05s sync)"

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