Mix and OTP

Distributed tasks and tags

This chapter is part of the Mix and OTP guide and it depends on previous chapters in this guide. For more information, read the introduction guide or check out the chapter index in the sidebar.

In this chapter, we will go back to the :kv application and add a routing layer that will allow us to distribute requests between nodes based on the bucket name.

The routing layer will receive a routing table of the following format:

  {?a..?m, :"foo@computer-name"},
  {?n..?z, :"bar@computer-name"}

The router will check the first byte of the bucket name against the table and dispatch to the appropriate node based on that. For example, a bucket starting with the letter “a” (?a represents the Unicode codepoint of the letter “a”) will be dispatched to node foo@computer-name.

If the matching entry points to the node evaluating the request, then we’ve finished routing, and this node will perform the requested operation. If the matching entry points to a different node, we’ll pass the request to this node, which will look at its own routing table (which may be different from the one in the first node) and act accordingly. If no entry matches, an error will be raised.

Note: we will be using two nodes in the same machine throughout this chapter. You are free to use two (or more) different machines on the same network but you need to do some prep work. First of all, you need to ensure all machines have a ~/.erlang.cookie file with exactly the same value. Second, you need to guarantee epmd is running on a port that is not blocked (you can run epmd -d for debug info). Third, if you want to learn more about distribution in general, we recommend this great Distribunomicon chapter from Learn You Some Erlang.

Our first distributed code

Elixir ships with facilities to connect nodes and exchange information between them. In fact, we use the same concepts of processes, message passing and receiving messages when working in a distributed environment because Elixir processes are location transparent. This means that when sending a message, it doesn’t matter if the recipient process is on the same node or on another node, the VM will be able to deliver the message in both cases.

In order to run distributed code, we need to start the VM with a name. The name can be short (when in the same network) or long (requires the full computer address). Let’s start a new IEx session:

$ iex --sname foo

You can see now the prompt is slightly different and shows the node name followed by the computer name:

Interactive Elixir - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

My computer is named jv, so I see foo@jv in the example above, but you will get a different result. We will use foo@computer-name in the following examples and you should update them accordingly when trying out the code.

Let’s define a module named Hello in this shell:

iex> defmodule Hello do
...>   def world, do: IO.puts "hello world"
...> end

If you have another computer on the same network with both Erlang and Elixir installed, you can start another shell on it. If you don’t, you can start another IEx session in another terminal. In either case, give it the short name of bar:

$ iex --sname bar

Note that inside this new IEx session, we cannot access Hello.world/0:

iex> Hello.world
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: Hello.world/0

However, we can spawn a new process on foo@computer-name from bar@computer-name! Let’s give it a try (where @computer-name is the one you see locally):

iex> Node.spawn_link :"foo@computer-name", fn -> Hello.world end
hello world

Elixir spawned a process on another node and returned its pid. The code then executed on the other node where the Hello.world/0 function exists and invoked that function. Note that the result of “hello world” was printed on the current node bar and not on foo. In other words, the message to be printed was sent back from foo to bar. This happens because the process spawned on the other node (foo) knows all of the output should be sent back to the original node!

We can send and receive messages from the pid returned by Node.spawn_link/2 as usual. Let’s try a quick ping-pong example:

iex> pid = Node.spawn_link :"foo@computer-name", fn ->
...>   receive do
...>     {:ping, client} -> send client, :pong
...>   end
...> end
iex> send pid, {:ping, self()}
{:ping, #PID<0.73.0>}
iex> flush()

From our quick exploration, we could conclude that we should use Node.spawn_link/2 to spawn processes on a remote node every time we need to do a distributed computation. However, we have learned throughout this guide that spawning processes outside of supervision trees should be avoided if possible, so we need to look for other options.

There are three better alternatives to Node.spawn_link/2 that we could use in our implementation:

  1. We could use Erlang’s :rpc module to execute functions on a remote node. Inside the bar@computer-name shell above, you can call :rpc.call(:"foo@computer-name", Hello, :world, []) and it will print “hello world”

  2. We could have a server running on the other node and send requests to that node via the GenServer API. For example, you can call a server on a remote node by using GenServer.call({name, node}, arg) or passing the remote process PID as the first argument

  3. We could use tasks, which we have learned about in a previous chapter, as they can be spawned on both local and remote nodes

The options above have different properties. Both :rpc and using a GenServer would serialize your requests on a single server, while tasks are effectively running asynchronously on the remote node, with the only serialization point being the spawning done by the supervisor.

For our routing layer, we are going to use tasks, but feel free to explore the other alternatives too.


So far we have explored tasks that are started and run in isolation, with no regard for their return value. However, sometimes it is useful to run a task to compute a value and read its result later on. For this, tasks also provide the async/await pattern:

task = Task.async(fn -> compute_something_expensive() end)
res  = compute_something_else()
res + Task.await(task)

async/await provides a very simple mechanism to compute values concurrently. Not only that, async/await can also be used with the same Task.Supervisor we have used in previous chapters. We just need to call Task.Supervisor.async/2 instead of Task.Supervisor.start_child/2 and use Task.await/2 to read the result later on.

Distributed tasks

Distributed tasks are exactly the same as supervised tasks. The only difference is that we pass the node name when spawning the task on the supervisor. Open up lib/kv/supervisor.ex from the :kv application. Let’s add a task supervisor as the last child of the tree:

{Task.Supervisor, name: KV.RouterTasks},

Now, let’s start two named nodes again, but inside the :kv application:

$ iex --sname foo -S mix
$ iex --sname bar -S mix

From inside bar@computer-name, we can now spawn a task directly on the other node via the supervisor:

iex> task = Task.Supervisor.async {KV.RouterTasks, :"foo@computer-name"}, fn ->
...>   {:ok, node()}
...> end
%Task{owner: #PID<0.122.0>, pid: #PID<12467.88.0>, ref: #Reference<>}
iex> Task.await(task)
{:ok, :"foo@computer-name"}

Our first distributed task retrieves the name of the node the task is running on. Notice we have given an anonymous function to Task.Supervisor.async/2 but, in distributed cases, it is preferable to give the module, function, and arguments explicitly:

iex> task = Task.Supervisor.async {KV.RouterTasks, :"foo@computer-name"}, Kernel, :node, []
%Task{owner: #PID<0.122.0>, pid: #PID<12467.89.0>, ref: #Reference<>}
iex> Task.await(task)

The difference is that anonymous functions require the target node to have exactly the same code version as the caller. Using module, function, and arguments is more robust because you only need to find a function with matching arity in the given module.

With this knowledge in hand, let’s finally write the routing code.

Routing layer

Create a file at lib/kv/router.ex with the following contents:

defmodule KV.Router do
  @doc """
  Dispatch the given `mod`, `fun`, `args` request
  to the appropriate node based on the `bucket`.
  def route(bucket, mod, fun, args) do
    # Get the first byte of the binary
    first = :binary.first(bucket)

    # Try to find an entry in the table() or raise
    entry =
      Enum.find(table(), fn {enum, _node} ->
        first in enum
      end) || no_entry_error(bucket)

    # If the entry node is the current node
    if elem(entry, 1) == node() do
      apply(mod, fun, args)
      {KV.RouterTasks, elem(entry, 1)}
      |> Task.Supervisor.async(KV.Router, :route, [bucket, mod, fun, args])
      |> Task.await()

  defp no_entry_error(bucket) do
    raise "could not find entry for #{inspect bucket} in table #{inspect table()}"

  @doc """
  The routing table.
  def table do
    # Replace computer-name with your local machine name
    [{?a..?m, :"foo@computer-name"}, {?n..?z, :"bar@computer-name"}]

Let’s write a test to verify our router works. Create a file named test/kv/router_test.exs containing:

defmodule KV.RouterTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  test "route requests across nodes" do
    assert KV.Router.route("hello", Kernel, :node, []) ==
    assert KV.Router.route("world", Kernel, :node, []) ==

  test "raises on unknown entries" do
    assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r/could not find entry/, fn ->
      KV.Router.route(<<0>>, Kernel, :node, [])

The first test invokes Kernel.node/0, which returns the name of the current node, based on the bucket names “hello” and “world”. According to our routing table so far, we should get foo@computer-name and bar@computer-name as responses, respectively.

The second test checks that the code raises for unknown entries.

In order to run the first test, we need to have two nodes running. Move into apps/kv and let’s restart the node named bar which is going to be used by tests.

$ iex --sname bar -S mix

And now run tests with:

$ elixir --sname foo -S mix test

The test should pass.

Test filters and tags

Although our tests pass, our testing structure is getting more complex. In particular, running tests with only mix test causes failures in our suite, since our test requires a connection to another node.

Luckily, ExUnit ships with a facility to tag tests, allowing us to run specific callbacks or even filter tests altogether based on those tags. We have already used the :capture_log tag in the previous chapter, which has its semantics specified by ExUnit itself.

This time let’s add a :distributed tag to test/kv/router_test.exs:

@tag :distributed
test "route requests across nodes" do

Writing @tag :distributed is equivalent to writing @tag distributed: true.

With the test properly tagged, we can now check if the node is alive on the network and, if not, we can exclude all distributed tests. Open up test/test_helper.exs inside the :kv application and add the following:

exclude =
  if Node.alive?, do: [], else: [distributed: true]

ExUnit.start(exclude: exclude)

Now run tests with mix test:

$ mix test
Excluding tags: [distributed: true]


Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.01s on tests)
7 tests, 0 failures, 1 skipped

This time all tests passed and ExUnit warned us that distributed tests were being excluded. If you run tests with $ elixir --sname foo -S mix test, one extra test should run and successfully pass as long as the bar@computer-name node is available.

The mix test command also allows us to dynamically include and exclude tags. For example, we can run $ mix test --include distributed to run distributed tests regardless of the value set in test/test_helper.exs. We could also pass --exclude to exclude a particular tag from the command line. Finally, --only can be used to run only tests with a particular tag:

$ elixir --sname foo -S mix test --only distributed

You can read more about filters, tags and the default tags in ExUnit.Case module documentation.

Wiring it all up

Now with our routing system in place, let’s change KVServer to use the router. Replace the lookup/2 function in KVServer.Command by the following one:

defp lookup(bucket, callback) do
  case KV.Router.route(bucket, KV.Registry, :lookup, [KV.Registry, bucket]) do
    {:ok, pid} -> callback.(pid)
    :error -> {:error, :not_found}

Good! Now GET, PUT and DELETE requests are all routed to the approriate node. Let’s also make sure that when a new bucket is created it ends up on the correct node. Replace the run/1 function in KVServer.Command, the one that matches the :create command, with the following:

def run({:create, bucket}) do
  case KV.Router.route(bucket, KV.Registry, :create, [KV.Registry, bucket]) do
    pid when is_pid(pid) -> {:ok, "OK\r\n"}
    _ -> {:error, "FAILED TO CREATE BUCKET"}

Now if you run the tests, you will see the test that checks the server interaction will fail, as it will attempt to use the routing table. To address this failure, add @tag :distributed to this test too:

@tag :distributed
test "server interaction", %{socket: socket} do

However, keep in mind that by making the test distributed, we will likely run it less frequently, since we may not do the distributed setup on every test run.

There are a couple other options here. One option is to spawn the distributed node programmatically at the beginning of test/test_helper.exs. Erlang/OTP does provide APIs for doing so, but they are non-trivial and therefore we won’t cover them here.

Another option is to make the routing table configurable. This means we can change the routing table on specific tests to assert for specific behaviour. As we will learn in the next chapter, changing the routing table this way has the downside that those particular tests can no longer run asynchronously, so it is a technique that should be used sparingly.

With the routing table integrated, we have made a lot of progress in building our distributed key-value store but, up to this point, the routing table is still hard-coded. In the next chapter, we will learn how to make the routing table configurable and how to package our application for production.

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