Class MutableArray

public EmberArray
Uses: Ember.MutableEnumerable ,
Defined in: packages/ember-runtime/lib/mixins/mutable_array.js:39
Module: @ember/array

@each public

Module: @ember/array

Returns a special object that can be used to observe individual properties on the array. Just get an equivalent property on this object and it will return an enumerable that maps automatically to the named key on the member objects.

@each should only be used in a non-terminal context. Example:

myMethod: computed('[email protected]', function(){

If you merely want to watch for the array being changed, like an object being replaced, added or removed, use [] instead of @each.

myMethod: computed('posts.[]', function(){

[] public

Module: @ember/array

This is the handler for the special array content property. If you get this property, it will return this. If you set this property to a new array, it will replace the current content.

This property overrides the default property defined in Ember.Enumerable.

firstObject Object public

Module: @ember/array
the object or undefined

Helper method returns the first object from a collection. This is usually used by bindings and other parts of the framework to extract a single object if the enumerable contains only one item.

If you override this method, you should implement it so that it will always return the same value each time it is called. If your enumerable contains only one object, this method should always return that object. If your enumerable is empty, this method should return undefined.

let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
arr.get('firstObject');  // 'a'

let arr = [];
arr.get('firstObject');  // undefined

hasArrayObservers public

Module: @ember/array

Becomes true whenever the array currently has observers watching changes on the array.

lastObject Object public

Module: @ember/array
the last object or undefined

Helper method returns the last object from a collection. If your enumerable contains only one object, this method should always return that object. If your enumerable is empty, this method should return undefined.

let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
arr.get('lastObject');  // 'c'

let arr = [];
arr.get('lastObject');  // undefined

length public

Module: @ember/array

Required. You must implement this method to apply this mixin.

Your array must support the length property. Your replace methods should set this property whenever it changes.

© 2020 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.