Module Summary
The Interface Repository stores representations of IDL information
This module contains functions for managing the Interface Repository (IFR). This documentation should be used in conjunction with the documentation in chapter 6 of CORBA2.3. Whenever the term IFR object is used in this manual page, it refers to a pseudo object used only for interaction with the IFR rather than a CORBA object.
Initialization of the IFR
The following functions are used to initialize the Interface Repository and to obtain the initial reference to the repository.
init(Nodes,Timeout) -> ok
This function should be called to initialize the IFR. It creates the necessary mnesia-tables. A mnesia schema should exist, and mnesia must be running.
find_repository() -> #IFR_Repository_objref
Find the IFR object reference for the Repository. This reference should be used when adding objects to the IFR, and when extracting information from the IFR. The first time this function is called, it will create the repository and all the primitive definitions.
General methods
The following functions are the methods of the IFR. The first argument is always an #IFR_objref, i.e. the IFR (pseudo)object on which to apply this method. These functions are useful when the type of IFR object is not know, but they are somewhat slower than the specific functions listed below which only accept a particular type of IFR object as the first argument.
get_def_kind(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind. Returns the definition kind of the IFR object.
destroy(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind except IRObject, Contained and Container. Destroys that object and its contents (if any). Returns whatever mnesia:transaction returns.
get_id(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the repository id of that object.
set_id(Objref,Id) -> ok
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Sets the repository id of that object.
get_name(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the name of that object.
set_name(Objref,Name) -> ok
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Sets the name of that object.
get_version(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the version of that object.
set_version(Objref,Version) -> ok
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Sets the version of that object.
get_defined_in(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the Container object that the object is defined in.
get_absolute_name(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the absolute (scoped) name of that object.
get_containing_repository(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns the Repository that is eventually reached by recursively following the object's defined_in attribute.
describe(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. Returns a tuple describing the object.
move(Objref,New_container,New_name,New_version) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Contained. New_container is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Removes Objref from its current Container, and adds it to New_container. The name attribute is changed to New_name and the version attribute is changed to New_version.
lookup(Objref,Search_name) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Returns an IFR object identified by search_name (a scoped name).
contents(Objref,Limit_type,Exclude_inherited) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Returns the contents of that IFR object.
lookup_name(Objref,Search_name,Levels_to_search, Limit_type, Exclude_inherited) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Returns a list of #IFR_objects with an id matching Search_name.
describe_contents(Objref, Limit_type, Exclude_inherited, Max_returned_objs) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Returns a list of descriptions of the IFR objects in this Container's contents.
create_module(Objref,Id,Name,Version) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type ModuleDef.
create_constant(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Type,Value) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type ConstantDef.
create_struct(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Members) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type StructDef.
create_union(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Discriminator_type,Members) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type UnionDef.
create_enum(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Members) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type EnumDef.
create_alias(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Original_type) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type AliasDef.
create_interface(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Base_interfaces) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type InterfaceDef.
create_exception(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Members) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from Container. Creates an IFR object of the type ExceptionDef.
get_type(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of any kind that inherits from IDLType or an IFR object of the kind ConstantDef, ExceptionDef or AttributeDef. Returns the typecode of the IFR object.
lookup_id(Objref,Search_id) -> Return
Returns an IFR object matching the Search_id.
get_primitive(Objref,Kind) -> Return
Returns a PrimitiveDef of the specified kind.
create_string(Objref,Bound) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type StringDef.
create_wstring(Objref,Bound) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type WstringDef.
create_fixed(Objref,Digits,Scale) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type FixedDef.
create_sequence(Objref,Bound,Element_type) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type SequenceDef.
create_array(Objref,Length,Element_type) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type ArrayDef.
create_idltype(Objref,Typecode) -> Return
Creates an IFR objref of the type IDLType.
get_type_def(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of the kind ConstantDef or AttributeDef. Returns an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the IFR object.
set_type_def(Objref,TypeDef) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object of the kind ConstantDef or AttributeDef. Sets the type_def of the IFR Object.
get_value(Objref) -> Return
Returns the value attribute of an IFR Object of the type ConstantDef.
set_value(Objref,Value) -> Return
Sets the value attribute of an IFR Object of the type ConstantDef.
get_members(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind StructDef, UnionDef, EnumDef or ExceptionDef. For StructDef, UnionDef and ExceptionDef: Returns a list of structmember records that are the constituent parts of the object. For EnumDef: Returns a list of strings describing the enumerations.
set_members(Objref,Members) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind StructDef, UnionDef, EnumDef or ExceptionDef. For StructDef, UnionDef and ExceptionDef: Members is a list of structmember records. For EnumDef: Members is a list of strings describing the enumerations. Sets the members attribute, which are the constituent parts of the exception.
get_discriminator_type(Objref) -> Return
Returns the discriminator typecode of an IFR object of the type UnionDef.
get_discriminator_type_def(Objref) -> Return
Returns an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the discriminator type of an IFR object of the type UnionDef.
set_discriminator_type_def(Objref,TypeDef) -> Return
Sets the attribute discriminator_type_def, an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the discriminator type of an IFR object of the type UnionDef.
get_original_type_def(Objref) -> Return
Returns an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the original type.
set_original_type_def(Objref,TypeDef) -> Return
Sets the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type.
get_kind(Objref) -> Return
Returns an atom describing the primitive type (See CORBA 2.0 p 6-21).
get_bound(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind StringDef or SequenceDef. For StringDef: returns the maximum number of characters in the string. For SequenceDef: Returns the maximum number of elements in the sequence. Zero indicates an unbounded sequence.
set_bound(Objref,Bound) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind StringDef or SequenceDef. For StringDef: Sets the maximum number of characters in the string. Bound must not be zero. For SequenceDef: Sets the maximum number of elements in the sequence. Zero indicates an unbounded sequence.
get_element_type(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind SequenceDef or ArrayDef. Returns the typecode of the elements in the IFR object.
get_element_type_def(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind SequenceDef or ArrayDef. Returns an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref.
set_element_type_def(Objref,TypeDef) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind SequenceDef or ArrayDef. Sets the element_type_def attribute, an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref.
get_length(Objref) -> Return
Returns the number of elements in the array.
set_length(Objref,Length) -> Return
Sets the number of elements in the array.
get_mode(Objref) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind AttributeDef or OperationDef. For AttributeDef: Return is an atom ('ATTR_NORMAL' or 'ATTR_READONLY') specifying the read/write access for this attribute. For OperationDef: Return is an atom ('OP_NORMAL' or 'OP_ONEWAY') specifying the mode of the operation.
set_mode(Objref,Mode) -> Return
Objref is an IFR object the kind AttributeDef or OperationDef. For AttributeDef: Sets the read/write access for this attribute. Mode is an atom ('ATTR_NORMAL' or 'ATTR_READONLY'). For OperationDef: Sets the mode of the operation. Mode is an atom ('OP_NORMAL' or 'OP_ONEWAY').
get_result(Objref) -> Return
Returns a typecode describing the type of the value returned by the operation.
get_result_def(Objref) -> Return
Returns an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the result.
set_result_def(Objref,ResultDef) -> Return
Sets the type_def attribute, an IFR Object of the type IDLType describing the result.
get_params(Objref) -> Return
Returns a list of parameter description records, which describes the parameters of the OperationDef.
set_params(Objref,Params) -> Return
Sets the params attribute, a list of parameter description records.
get_contexts(Objref) -> Return
Returns a list of context identifiers for the operation.
set_contexts(Objref,Contexts) -> Return
Sets the context attribute for the operation.
get_exceptions(Objref) -> Return
Returns a list of exception types that can be raised by this operation.
set_exceptions(Objref,Exceptions) -> Return
Sets the exceptions attribute for this operation.
get_base_interfaces(Objref) -> Return
Returns a list of InterfaceDefs from which this InterfaceDef inherits.
set_base_interfaces(Objref,BaseInterfaces) -> Return
Sets the BaseInterfaces attribute.
is_a(Objref,Interface_id) -> Return
Returns true if the InterfaceDef either is identical to or inherits from Interface_id.
describe_interface(Objref) -> Return
Returns a full inter face description record describing the InterfaceDef.
create_attribute(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Type,Mode) -> Return
Creates an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in this InterfaceDef.
create_operation(Objref,Id,Name,Version,Result,Mode,Params, Exceptions,Contexts) -> Return
Creates an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in this InterfaceDef.
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