[Java] Class Index

  • groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.Index
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class ComplexKeyHashMap DEFAULT_CAPACITY, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, MINIMUM_CAPACITY, size, table, threshold

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
MetaClassImpl.Index (int size)
MetaClassImpl.Index ()
MetaClassImpl.Index (boolean size)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
boolean checkEquals(Entry e, Object key)
SingleKeyHashMap getNotNull(CachedClass key)
SingleKeyHashMap getNullable(CachedClass clazz)
void put(CachedClass key, SingleKeyHashMap value)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class SingleKeyHashMap SingleKeyHashMap, SingleKeyHashMap, containsKey, copy, get, getOrPut, getOrPutEntry, put, putCopyOfUnexisting, remove
class ComplexKeyHashMap ComplexKeyHashMap, ComplexKeyHashMap, ComplexKeyHashMap, clear, getEntrySetIterator, getTable, hash, init, isEmpty, resize, size

Constructor Detail

public MetaClassImpl.Index(int size)

public MetaClassImpl.Index()

public MetaClassImpl.Index(boolean size)

Method Detail

public boolean checkEquals(Entry e, Object key)

public SingleKeyHashMap getNotNull(CachedClass key)

public SingleKeyHashMap getNullable(CachedClass clazz)

public void put(CachedClass key, SingleKeyHashMap value)

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