[Java] Class ConcurrentSoftCache<K, V>

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.ConcurrentSoftCache
public class ConcurrentSoftCache<K, V>
extends ConcurrentCommonCache

Represents concurrent cache holding SoftReference instance as value

Type Parameters:
K - key type
V - real value type

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ConcurrentSoftCache ()
Constructs a cache with unlimited size
ConcurrentSoftCache (int initialCapacity, int maxSize, EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy)
Constructs a cache with limited size
ConcurrentSoftCache (int initialCapacity, int maxSize)
Constructs a LRU cache with the specified initial capacity and max size.
ConcurrentSoftCache (int maxSize)
Constructs a LRU cache with the default initial capacity(16)
ConcurrentSoftCache (Map<K, SoftReference<V>> map)
Constructs a cache backed by the specified Map instance

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public Object convertValue(SoftReference<V> value)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class ConcurrentCommonCache cleanUpNullReferences, clearAll, containsKey, containsValue, convertValue, entrySet, get, getAndPut, getAndPut, isEmpty, keySet, keys, put, putAll, remove, size, values

Constructor Detail

public ConcurrentSoftCache()

Constructs a cache with unlimited size

public ConcurrentSoftCache(int initialCapacity, int maxSize, EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy)

Constructs a cache with limited size

initialCapacity - initial capacity of the cache
maxSize - max size of the cache
evictionStrategy - LRU or FIFO, see org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.EvictableCache.EvictionStrategy

public ConcurrentSoftCache(int initialCapacity, int maxSize)

Constructs a LRU cache with the specified initial capacity and max size. The LRU cache is slower than LRUCache

initialCapacity - initial capacity of the LRU cache
maxSize - max size of the LRU cache

public ConcurrentSoftCache(int maxSize)

Constructs a LRU cache with the default initial capacity(16)

maxSize - max size of the LRU cache
See Also:
ConcurrentSoftCache(int, int)

public ConcurrentSoftCache(Map<K, SoftReference<V>> map)

Constructs a cache backed by the specified Map instance

map - the Map instance

Method Detail

@Override public Object convertValue(SoftReference<V> value)


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