
package haxe.macro

import haxe.macro.Type

Available on all platforms

Represents the kind of field access in the typed AST.


FInstance(c:Ref<ClassType>, params:Array<Type>, cf:Ref<ClassField>)

Access of field cf on a class instance c with type parameters params.

FStatic(c:Ref<ClassType>, cf:Ref<ClassField>)

Static access of a field cf on a class c.


Access of field cf on an anonymous structure.


Dynamic field access of a field named s.

FClosure(c:Null<{params:Array<Type>, c:Ref<ClassType>}>, cf:Ref<ClassField>)

Closure field access of field cf on a class instance c with type parameters params.

FEnum(e:Ref<EnumType>, ef:EnumField)

Field access to an enum constructor ef of enum e.

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