
Run brew update twice and brew doctor (and fix all the warnings) before creating an issue!

This document will help you check for common issues and make sure your issue has not already been reported.

Check for common issues

Check to see if the issue has been reported

Create an issue

If your problem hasn’t been solved or reported, then create an issue:

  1. Upload debugging information to a Gist:
  • If you had a formula-related problem: run brew gist-logs <formula> (where <formula> is the name of the formula).
  • If you encountered a non-formula problem: upload the output of brew config and brew doctor to a new Gist.
  1. Create a new issue on the Homebrew/homebrew-core issue tracker or Homebrew/linuxbrew-core issue tracker
  • Give your issue a descriptive title which includes the formula name (if applicable) and the version of macOS or Linux you are using. For example, if a formula fails to build, title your issue “<formula> failed to build on <10.x>”, where “<formula>” is the name of the formula that failed to build, and “<10.x>” is the version of macOS or Linux you are using.
  • Include the URL output by brew gist-logs <formula> (if applicable).
  • Include links to any additional Gists you may have created (such as for the output of brew config and brew doctor).

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Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.