Dynamic Type

The dynamic type is not supported in code targeting the JVM.

Kotlin is a statically typed language, which makes it different from the dynamically typed JavaScript. In order to facilitate interoperation with JavaScript code, Kotlin/JS offers the dynamic type:

val dyn: dynamic = ...

The dynamic type basically turns off Kotlin's type checker:

  • A dynamic value can be assigned to variables of any type, or passed anywhere as a parameter.
  • A dynamic variable can have a value of any type.
  • A function that takes a dynamic parameter can take arguments of any type.
  • null-checks are disabled for values of type dynamic.

On a dynamic variable, you can call any property or function, with any parameters:

dyn.whatever(1, "foo", dyn) // 'whatever' is not defined anywhere
dyn.whatever(*arrayOf(1, 2, 3))

This code will be compiled "as is": dyn.whatever(1) in Kotlin becomes dyn.whatever(1) in the generated JavaScript code.

When calling functions written in Kotlin on values of dynamic type, keep in mind the name mangling performed by the Kotlin to JavaScript compiler. You may need to use the @JsName annotation or the @JsExport annotation to assign well-defined names to the functions that you want to call.

A dynamic call always returns dynamic as a result. This means such calls can be chained freely:


When we pass a lambda to a dynamic call, all of its parameters by default have the type dynamic:

dyn.foo {
    x -> x.bar() // x is dynamic

Expressions using values of dynamic type are translated to JavaScript "as is", and do not use the Kotlin operator conventions. The following operators are supported:

  • binary: +, -, *, /, %, >, < >=, <=, ==, !=, ===, !==, &&, ||
  • unary
    • prefix: -, +, !
    • prefix and postfix: ++, --
  • assignments: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
  • indexed access:
    • read: d[a], more than one argument is an error
    • write: d[a1] = a2, more than one argument in [] is an error

in, !in and .. operations with values of type dynamic are forbidden.

For a more technical description, see the spec document.

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