
Documentation of Meteor's email API.

The email package allows sending email from a Meteor app. To use it, add the package to your project by running in your terminal:

meteor add email

The server reads from the MAIL_URL environment variable to determine how to send mail. Currently, Meteor supports sending mail over SMTP; the MAIL_URL environment variable should be of the form smtp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/.

If MAIL_URL is not set, Email.send outputs the message to standard output instead.

import { Email } from 'meteor/email' (email/email.js, line 154)

Send an email. Throws an Error on failure to contact mail server or if mail server returns an error. All fields should match RFC5322 specification.

If the MAIL_URL environment variable is set, actually sends the email. Otherwise, prints the contents of the email to standard out.

Note that this package is based on mailcomposer version 0.1.15, so make sure to refer to the documentation for that version if using the attachments or mailComposer options. Click here to read the mailcomposer 0.1.15 docs.


from String

"From:" address (required)

to, cc, bcc, replyTo String or Array of Strings

"To:", "Cc:", "Bcc:", and "Reply-To:" addresses

subject String

"Subject:" line

text, html String

Mail body (in plain text and/or HTML)

headers Object

Dictionary of custom headers

attachments Array of Objects

Array of attachment objects, as described in the mailcomposer documentation.

mailComposer MailComposer

A MailComposer object representing the message to be sent. Overrides all other options. You can access the mailcomposer npm module at EmailInternals.NpmModules.mailcomposer.module.

You must provide the from option and at least one of to, cc, and bcc; all other options are optional.

Email.send only works on the server. Here is an example of how a client could use a server method call to send an email. (In an actual application, you’d need to be careful to limit the emails that a client could send, to prevent your server from being used as a relay by spammers.)

// In your server code: define a method that the client can call
  sendEmail: function (to, from, subject, text) {
    check([to, from, subject, text], [String]);

    // Let other method calls from the same client start running,

    // without waiting for the email sending to complete.


      to: to,
      from: from,
      subject: subject,
      text: text

// In your client code: asynchronously send an email'sendEmail',
            '[email protected]',
            '[email protected]',
            'Hello from Meteor!',
            'This is a test of Email.send.');

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