Class: Padrino::PathRouter::Compiler

  • Object


High performance engine for finding all routes which are matched with pattern

Instance Attribute Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

#initialize(routes) ⇒ Compiler

Constructs an instance of Padrino::PathRouter::Compiler

Instance Attribute Details

#routes ⇒ Object

Returns the value of attribute routes

Instance Method Details

#call_by_request(request) ⇒ Object

Calls routes by using request.

#compile! ⇒ Object

Compiles all routes into regexps.

#compiled? ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if all routes has been compiled.


  • (Boolean)

#find_by(request_or_env) ⇒ Object

Finds routes by using request or env.

#find_by_pattern(pattern) ⇒ Object

Finds routes by using PATH_INFO.