Layer QML Type

Layer provides a way of filtering which entities will be rendered. More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.0
Since: Qt 5.5
Instantiates: QLayer


Detailed Description

Layer works in conjunction with the LayerFilter in the FrameGraph.

Layer doesn't define any new properties but is supposed to only be referenced.

import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0

Entity {
    id: root

    components: RenderSettings {
        // FrameGraph
        Viewport {
            ClearBuffers {
                buffers: ClearBuffers.ColorDepthBuffer
                CameraSelector {
                    camera: mainCamera
                    LayerFilter {
                        layers: [layer1]

    // Scene
    Camera { id: mainCamera }

    Layer { id: layer1 }

    GeometryRenderer { id: mesh }

    Entity {
        id: renderableEntity
        components: [ mesh, layer1 ]

See also LayerFilter.

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