
function stable

An observable of animation frames

animationFrames(timestampProvider?: TimestampProvider)



Optional. Default is undefined.

An object with a now method that provides a numeric timestamp


Emits the the amount of time elapsed since subscription and the timestamp on each animation frame. Defaults to milliseconds provided to the requestAnimationFrame's callback. Does not end on its own.

Every subscription will start a separate animation loop. Since animation frames are always scheduled by the browser to occur directly before a repaint, scheduling more than one animation frame synchronously should not be much different or have more overhead than looping over an array of events during a single animation frame. However, if for some reason the developer would like to ensure the execution of animation-related handlers are all executed during the same task by the engine, the share operator can be used.

This is useful for setting up animations with RxJS.


Tweening a div to move it on the screen

import { animationFrames } from 'rxjs';
import { map, takeWhile, endWith } from 'rxjs/operators';

function tween(start: number, end: number, duration: number) {
  const diff = end - start;
  return animationFrames().pipe(
    // Figure out what percentage of time has passed
    map(({elapsed}) => elapsed / duration),
    // Take the vector while less than 100%
    takeWhile(v => v < 1),
    // Finish with 100%
    // Calculate the distance traveled between start and end
    map(v => v * diff + start)

// Setup a div for us to move around
const div = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild(div); = 'absolute'; = '40px'; = '40px'; = 'lime'; = 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)';

tween(10, 200, 4000).subscribe(x => { = `translate3d(${x}px, 0, 0)`;


Providing a custom timestamp provider

import { animationFrames, TimestampProvider } from 'rxjs';

// A custom timestamp provider
let now = 0;
const customTSProvider: TimestampProvider = {
  now() { return now++; }

const source$ = animationFrames(customTSProvider);

// Log increasing numbers 0...1...2... on every animation frame.
source$.subscribe(({ elapsed }) => console.log(elapsed));

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