
class StubbingContext implements StubbingContextInterface


__construct($binaryDir, $stubDir, Filesystem $filesystem, $icuVersion)
string getBinaryDir()

Returns the directory where the binary resource bundles are stored.

string getStubDir()

Returns the directory where the stub resource bundles are stored.

Filesystem getFilesystem()

Returns a tool for manipulating the filesystem.

string getIcuVersion()

Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.


__construct($binaryDir, $stubDir, Filesystem $filesystem, $icuVersion)


Filesystem $filesystem

string getBinaryDir()

Returns the directory where the binary resource bundles are stored.

Return Value

string An absolute path to a directory.

string getStubDir()

Returns the directory where the stub resource bundles are stored.

Return Value

string An absolute path to a directory.

Filesystem getFilesystem()

Returns a tool for manipulating the filesystem.

Return Value

Filesystem The filesystem manipulator.

string getIcuVersion()

Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.

Return Value

string The ICU version string.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.