


ChildDefinition This definition extends another definition.
Container Container is a dependency injection container.
ContainerAwareTrait ContainerAware trait.
ContainerBuilder ContainerBuilder is a DI container that provides an API to easily describe services.
Definition Definition represents a service definition.
ExpressionLanguage Adds some function to the default ExpressionLanguage.
ExpressionLanguageProvider Define some ExpressionLanguage functions.
Parameter Parameter represents a parameter reference.
Reference Reference represents a service reference.
TypedReference Represents a PHP type-hinted service reference.
Variable Represents a variable.


ContainerAwareInterface ContainerAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on a Container.
ContainerInterface ContainerInterface is the interface implemented by service container classes.
EnvVarProcessorInterface The EnvVarProcessorInterface is implemented by objects that manage environment-like variables.
ResettableContainerInterface ResettableContainerInterface defines additional resetting functionality for containers, allowing to release shared services when the container is not needed anymore.
ServiceSubscriberInterface A ServiceSubscriber exposes its dependencies via the static {@link getSubscribedServices} method.
TaggedContainerInterface TaggedContainerInterface is the interface implemented when a container knows how to deals with tags.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.