
Returns a lookup table that maps a Tensor of indices into strings.

This operation constructs a lookup table to map int64 indices into string values. The mapping is initialized from a string mapping 1-D Tensor where each element is a value and the corresponding index within the tensor is the key.

Any input which does not have a corresponding index in 'mapping' (an out-of-vocabulary entry) is assigned the default_value

The underlying table must be initialized by calling or once.

Elements in mapping cannot have duplicates, otherwise when executing the table initializer op, it will throw a FailedPreconditionError.

Sample Usages:

mapping_string = tf.constant(["emerson", "lake", "palmer"])
indices = tf.constant([1, 5], tf.int64)
table = tf.contrib.lookup.index_to_string_table_from_tensor(
    mapping_string, default_value="UNKNOWN")
values = table.lookup(indices)

values.eval() ==> ["lake", "UNKNOWN"]
mapping A 1-D string Tensor that specifies the strings to map from indices.
default_value The value to use for out-of-vocabulary indices.
name A name for this op (optional).
The lookup table to map a string values associated to a given index int64 Tensors.
ValueError when mapping is not set.

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