API Reference


  • Type: RouteLocationRaw

  • Details:

    Denotes the target route of the link. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to router.push() internally, so it can either be a string or a route location object.

<!-- literal string -->
<router-link to="/home">Home</router-link>
<!-- renders to -->
<a href="/home">Home</a>

<!-- javascript expression using `v-bind` -->
<router-link :to="'/home'">Home</router-link>

<!-- same as above -->
<router-link :to="{ path: '/home' }">Home</router-link>

<!-- named route -->
<router-link :to="{ name: 'user', params: { userId: '123' }}">User</router-link>

<!-- with query, resulting in `/register?plan=private` -->
<router-link :to="{ path: '/register', query: { plan: 'private' }}">


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Details:

    Setting replace prop will call router.replace() instead of router.push() when clicked, so the navigation will not leave a history record.

<router-link to="/abc" replace></router-link>


  • Type: string

  • Default: "router-link-active" (or global linkActiveClass)

  • Details:

    Class to apply on the rendered <a> when the link is active.


  • Type: 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | 'true' | 'false' (string)

  • Default: "page"

  • Details:

    Value passed to the attribute aria-current when the link is exactly active.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Details:

    Whether <router-link> should not wrap its content in an <a> element. Useful when using v-slot to create a custom RouterLink. By default, <router-link> will render its content wrapped in an <a> element, even when using v-slot. Passing the custom prop, removes that behavior.

  • Examples:

    <router-link to="/home" custom v-slot="{ navigate, href, route }">
      <a :href="href" @click="navigate">{{ route.fullPath }}</a>

    Renders <a href="/home">/home</a>.

    <router-link to="/home" v-slot="{ route }">
      <span>{{ route.fullPath }}</span>

    Renders <a href="/home"><span>/home</span></a>.


  • Type: string

  • Default: "router-link-exact-active" (or global linkExactActiveClass)

  • Details:

    Class to apply on the rendered <a> when the link is exact active.

<router-link> exposes a low level customization through a scoped slot. This is a more advanced API that primarily targets library authors but can come in handy for developers as well, to build a custom component like a NavLink or other.


Remember to pass the custom option to <router-link> to prevent it from wrapping its content inside of an <a> element.

  v-slot="{ href, route, navigate, isActive, isExactActive }"
  <NavLink :active="isActive" :href="href" @click="navigate">
    {{ route.fullPath }}
  • href: resolved url. This would be the href attribute of an <a> element. It contains the base if any was provided.
  • route: resolved normalized location.
  • navigate: function to trigger the navigation. It will automatically prevent events when necessary, the same way router-link does, e.g. ctrl or cmd + click will still be ignored by navigate.
  • isActive: true if the active class should be applied. Allows to apply an arbitrary class.
  • isExactActive: true if the exact active class should be applied. Allows to apply an arbitrary class.

Example: Applying Active Class to Outer Element

Sometimes we may want the active class to be applied to an outer element rather than the <a> element itself, in that case, you can wrap that element inside a router-link and use the v-slot properties to create your link:

  v-slot="{ href, route, navigate, isActive, isExactActive }"
    :class="[isActive && 'router-link-active', isExactActive && 'router-link-exact-active']"
    <a :href="href" @click="navigate">{{ route.fullPath }}</a>

If you add a target="_blank" to your a element, you must omit the @click="navigate" handler.

<router-view> Props


  • Type: string

  • Default: "default"

  • Details:

    When a <router-view> has a name, it will render the component with the corresponding name in the matched route record's components option.

  • See Also: Named Views


  • Type: RouteLocationNormalized

  • Details:

    A route location that has all of its component resolved (if any was lazy loaded) so it can be displayed.

<router-view>'s v-slot

<router-view> exposes a v-slot API mainly to wrap your route components with <transition> and <keep-alive> components.

<router-view v-slot="{ Component, route }">
  <transition :name="route.meta.transition || 'fade'" mode="out-in">
        <template #default>
            :key="route.meta.usePathKey ? route.path : undefined"
        <template #fallback> Loading... </template>
  • Component: VNodes to be passed to a <component>'s is prop.
  • route: resolved normalized route location.


Creates a Router instance that can be used by a Vue app. Check the RouterOptions for a list of all the properties that can be passed.


export declare function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router


Parameter Type Description
options RouterOptions Options to initialize the router


Creates an HTML5 history. Most common history for single page applications. The application must be served through the http protocol.


export declare function createWebHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory


Parameter Type Description
base string optional base to provide. Useful when the application is hosted inside of a folder like https://example.com/folder/


createWebHistory() // No base, the app is hosted at the root of the domain `https://example.com`
createWebHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder/`


Creates a hash history. Useful for web applications with no host (e.g. file://) or when configuring a server to handle any URL isn't an option. Note you should use createWebHistory if SEO matters to you.


export declare function createWebHashHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory


Parameter Type Description
base string optional base to provide. Defaults to location.pathname + location.search. If there is a <base> tag in the head, its value will be ignored in favor of this parameter but note it affects all the history.pushState() calls, meaning that if you use a <base> tag, its href value has to match this parameter (ignoring anything after the #)


// at https://example.com/folder
createWebHashHistory() // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder#`
createWebHashHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder/#`
// if the `#` is provided in the base, it won't be added by `createWebHashHistory`
createWebHashHistory('/folder/#/app/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/folder/#/app/`
// you should avoid doing this because it changes the original url and breaks copying urls
createWebHashHistory('/other-folder/') // gives a url of `https://example.com/other-folder/#`

// at file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html
// for locations with no `host`, the base is ignored
createWebHashHistory('/iAmIgnored') // gives a url of `file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html#`


Creates a in-memory based history. The main purpose of this history is to handle SSR. It starts in a special location that is nowhere. If the user is not on a browser context, it's up to them to replace that location with the starter location by either calling router.push() or router.replace().


export declare function createMemoryHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory


Parameter Type Description
base string Base applied to all urls, defaults to '/'


A history object that can be passed to the router constructor

Enumeration with all possible types for navigation failures. Can be passed to isNavigationFailure to check for specific failures. Never use any of the numerical values, always use the variables like NavigationFailureType.aborted.


export declare enum NavigationFailureType


Member Value Description
aborted 4 An aborted navigation is a navigation that failed because a navigation guard returned false or called next(false)
cancelled 8 A cancelled navigation is a navigation that failed because a more recent navigation finished started (not necessarily finished).
duplicated 16 A duplicated navigation is a navigation that failed because it was initiated while already being at the exact same location.


  • Type: RouteLocationNormalized

  • Details:

    Initial route location where the router is. Can be used in navigation guards to differentiate the initial navigation.

    import { START_LOCATION } from 'vue-router'
    router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
      if (from === START_LOCATION) {
        // initial navigation

Composition API


Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the component for the current location is about to be left. Similar to beforeRouteLeave but can be used in any component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.


export declare function onBeforeRouteLeave(leaveGuard: NavigationGuard): void


Parameter Type Description
leaveGuard NavigationGuard Navigation guard to add


Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the current location is about to be updated. Similar to beforeRouteUpdate but can be used in any component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.


export declare function onBeforeRouteUpdate(updateGuard: NavigationGuard): void


Parameter Type Description
updateGuard NavigationGuard Navigation guard to add

Returns everything exposed by the v-slot API.


export declare function useLink(props: RouterLinkOptions): {
  route: ComputedRef<RouteLocationNormalized & { href: string }>,
  href: ComputedRef<string>,
  isActive: ComputedRef<boolean>,
  isExactActive: ComputedRef<boolean>,
  navigate: (event?: MouseEvent) => Promise(NavigationFailure | void),


Parameter Type Description
props RouterLinkOptions props object that can be passed to <router-link>. Accepts Refs and ComputedRefs


Returns the current route location. Equivalent to using $route inside templates. Must be called inside of setup().


export declare function useRoute(): RouteLocationNormalized


Returns the router instance. Equivalent to using $router inside templates. Must be called inside of setup().


export declare function useRouter(): Router


Here are some of the interfaces and types used by Vue Router. The documentation references them to give you an idea of the existing properties in objects.

Router Properties



  • Type: RouterOptions

  • Details:

    Original options object passed to create the Router. Readonly.

Router Methods


Add a new Route Record as the child of an existing route. If the route has a name and there is already an existing one with the same one, it removes it first.


addRoute(parentName: string | symbol, route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void


Parameter Type Description
parentName string | symbol Parent Route Record where route should be appended at
route RouteRecordRaw Route Record to add


Add a new route record to the router. If the route has a name and there is already an existing one with the same one, it removes it first.


addRoute(route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void


Parameter Type Description
route RouteRecordRaw Route Record to add

Note adding routes does not trigger a new navigation, meaning that the added route will not be displayed unless a new navigation is triggered.


Add a navigation hook that is executed after every navigation. Returns a function that removes the registered hook.


afterEach(guard: NavigationHookAfter): () => void


Parameter Type Description
guard NavigationHookAfter navigation hook to add


router.afterEach((to, from, failure) => {
  if (isNavigationFailure(failure)) {
    console.log('failed navigation', failure)


Go back in history if possible by calling history.back(). Equivalent to router.go(-1).


back(): void


Add a navigation guard that executes before any navigation. Returns a function that removes the registered guard.


beforeEach(guard: NavigationGuard): () => void


Parameter Type Description
guard NavigationGuard navigation guard to add


Add a navigation guard that executes before navigation is about to be resolved. At this state all component have been fetched and other navigation guards have been successful. Returns a function that removes the registered guard.


beforeResolve(guard: NavigationGuard): () => void


Parameter Type Description
guard NavigationGuard navigation guard to add


router.beforeResolve(to => {
  if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !isAuthenticated) return false


Go forward in history if possible by calling history.forward(). Equivalent to router.go(1).


forward(): void


Get a full list of all the route records.


getRoutes(): RouteRecord[]


Allows you to move forward or backward through the history.


go(delta: number): void


Parameter Type Description
delta number The position in the history to which you want to move, relative to the current page


Checks if a route with a given name exists


hasRoute(name: string | symbol): boolean


Parameter Type Description
name string | symbol Name of the route to check


Returns a Promise that resolves when the router has completed the initial navigation, which means it has resolved all async enter hooks and async components that are associated with the initial route. If the initial navigation already happened, the promise resolves immediately.This is useful in server-side rendering to ensure consistent output on both the server and the client. Note that on server side, you need to manually push the initial location while on client side, the router automatically picks it up from the URL.


isReady(): Promise<void>


Adds an error handler that is called every time a non caught error happens during navigation. This includes errors thrown synchronously and asynchronously, errors returned or passed to next in any navigation guard, and errors occurred when trying to resolve an async component that is required to render a route.


onError(handler: (error: any, to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized) => any): () => void


Parameter Type Description
handler (error: any, to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized) => any error handler to register


Programmatically navigate to a new URL by pushing an entry in the history stack.


push(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined>


Parameter Type Description
to RouteLocationRaw Route location to navigate to


Remove an existing route by its name.


removeRoute(name: string | symbol): void


Parameter Type Description
name string | symbol Name of the route to remove


Programmatically navigate to a new URL by replacing the current entry in the history stack.


replace(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined>


Parameter Type Description
to RouteLocationRaw Route location to navigate to


Returns the normalized version of a route location. Also includes an href property that includes any existing base.


resolve(to: RouteLocationRaw): RouteLocation & {
  href: string


Parameter Type Description
to RouteLocationRaw Raw route location to resolve



History implementation used by the router. Most web applications should use createWebHistory but it requires the server to be properly configured. You can also use a hash based history with createWebHashHistory that does not require any configuration on the server but isn't handled at all by search engines and does poorly on SEO.


history: RouterHistory


  history: createWebHistory(),
  // other options...


Default class applied to active RouterLink. If none is provided, router-link-active will be applied.


linkActiveClass?: string


Default class applied to exact active RouterLink. If none is provided, router-link-exact-active will be applied.


linkExactActiveClass?: string


Custom implementation to parse a query. Must decode query keys and values. See its counterpart, stringifyQuery.


parseQuery?: (searchQuery: string) => Record<string, (string | null)[] | string | null>


Let's say you want to use the package qs to parse queries, you can provide both parseQuery and stringifyQuery:

import qs from 'qs'

  // other options...
  parseQuery: qs.parse,
  stringifyQuery: qs.stringify,


Initial list of routes that should be added to the router.


routes: RouteRecordRaw[]


Function to control scrolling when navigating between pages. Can return a Promise to delay when the scrolling happens. See Scroll Behaviour for more details.


scrollBehavior?: RouterScrollBehavior


function scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
  // `to` and `from` are both route locations
  // `savedPosition` can be null if there isn't one


Custom implementation to stringify a query object. Should not prepend a leading ?. Should properly encode query keys and values. parseQuery counterpart to handle query parsing.


stringifyQuery?: (
  query: Record<
    string | number,
    string | number | null | undefined | (string | number | null | undefined)[]
) => string


Route record that can be provided by the user when adding routes via the routes option or via router.addRoute(). There are three different kind of route records:

  • Single views records: have a component option
  • Multiple views records (named views): have a components option
  • Redirect records: cannot have component or components option because a redirect record is never reached.


  • Type: string

  • Details:

    Path of the record. Should start with / unless the record is the child of another record. Can define parameters: /users/:id matches /users/1 as well as /users/posva.

  • See Also: Dynamic Route Matching


  • Type: RouteLocationRaw | (to: RouteLocationNormalized) => RouteLocationRaw (Optional)

  • Details:

    Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new target location. Can also be a function that receives the target route location and returns the location we should redirect to.



  • Type: string | string[] (Optional)

  • Details:

    Aliases for the route. Allows defining extra paths that will behave like a copy of the record. This enables paths shorthands like /users/:id and /u/:id. All alias and path values must share the same params.


  • Type: string | symbol (Optional)

  • Details:

    Unique name for the route record.


  • Type: NavigationGuard | NavigationGuard[] (Optional)

  • Details:

    Before enter guard specific to this record. Note beforeEnter has no effect if the record has a redirect property.


  • Type: boolean | Record<string, any> | (to: RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any> (Optional)

  • Details:

    Allows passing down params as props to the component rendered by router-view. When passed to a multiple views record, it should be an object with the same keys as components or a boolean to be applied to each component. target location.

  • See Also: Passing props to Route Components



If you want to use a functional component, make sure to add a displayName to it.

For example:

const HomeView = () => h('div', 'HomePage')
// in TypeScript, you will need to use the FunctionalComponent type
HomeView.displayName = 'HomeView'
const routes = [{ path: '/', component: HomeView }]


Normalized version of a Route Record


  • Type: RouteRecordNormalized | undefined

  • Details:

    Defines if this record is the alias of another one. This property is undefined if the record is the original one.



  • Type: Array of normalized route records

  • Details:

    Children route records of a route at the time it was added. Empty array if none. Note this array doesn't update when addRoute() and removeRoute() are called.


  • Type: Record<string, Component>

  • Details:

    Dictionary of named views, if none, contains an object with the key default.


  • Type: RouteMeta

  • Details:

    Arbitrary data attached to the record.

  • See also: Meta fields


  • Type: string | symbol | undefined

  • Details:

    Name for the route record. undefined if none was provided.


  • Type: string

  • Details:

    Normalized path of the record. Includes any parent's path.


  • Type: Record<string, boolean | Function | Record<string, any>>

  • Details:

    Dictionary of the props option for each named view. If none, it will contain only one property named default.


  • Type: RouteLocationRaw

  • Details:

    Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new target location.


User-level route location that can be passed to router.push(), redirect, and returned in Navigation Guards.

A raw location can either be a string like /users/posva#bio or an object:

// these three forms are equivalent
router.push({ path: '/users/posva', hash: '#bio' })
router.push({ name: 'users', params: { username: 'posva' }, hash: '#bio' })
// only change the hash
router.push({ hash: '#bio' })
// only change query
router.push({ query: { page: '2' } })
// change one param
router.push({ params: { username: 'jolyne' } })

Note path must be provided encoded (e.g. phantom blood becomes phantom%20blood) while params, query and hash must not, they are encoded by the router.

Raw route locations also support an extra option replace to call router.replace() instead of router.push() in navigation guards. Note this also internally calls router.replace() even when calling router.push():

router.push({ hash: '#bio', replace: true })
// equivalent to
router.replace({ hash: '#bio' })


Resolved RouteLocationRaw that can contain redirect records. Apart from that it has the same properties as RouteLocationNormalized.


Normalized route location. Does not have any redirect records. In navigation guards, to and from are always of this type.


  • Type: string

  • Details:

    Encoded URL associated to the route location. Contains path, query and hash.


  • Type: string

  • Details:

    Decoded hash section of the URL. Always starts with a #. Empty string if there is no hash in the URL.


  • Type: Record<string, string | string[]>

  • Details:

    Dictionary of decoded query params extracted from the search section of the URL.



  • Type: RouteMeta

  • Details:

    Arbitrary data attached to all matched records merged (non recursively) from parent to child.

  • See also: Meta fields


  • Type: string | symbol | undefined | null

  • Details:

    Name for the route record. undefined if none was provided.


  • Type: Record<string, string | string[]>

  • Details:

    Dictionary of decoded params extracted from path.


  • Type: string

  • Details:

    Encoded pathname section of the URL associated to the route location.


  • Type: RouteLocation

  • Details:

    Route location we were initially trying to access before ending up on the current location when a redirect option was found or a navigation guard called next() with a route location. undefined if there was no redirection.




  • Arguments:

  • Details:

    Function that can be passed to control a router navigation. The next callback can be omitted if you return a value (or a Promise) instead, which is encouraged. Possible return values (and parameters for next) are:

    • undefined | void | true: validates the navigation
    • false: cancels the navigation
    • RouteLocationRaw: redirects to a different location
    • (vm: ComponentPublicInstance) => any only for beforeRouteEnter: A callback to be executed once the navigation completes. Receives the route component instance as the parameter.
  • See Also: Navigation Guards

Component Injections

Component Injected Properties

These properties are injected into every child component by calling app.use(router).

  • this.$router

    The router instance.

  • this.$route

    The current active route location. This property is read-only and its properties are immutable, but it can be watched.

Component Enabled Options

  • beforeRouteEnter
  • beforeRouteUpdate
  • beforeRouteLeave

See In Component Guards.

© 2013–present Evan You
Licensed under the MIT License.