Namespace Cake\I18n

Classes summary

  • Translator

    Provides missing message behavior for CakePHP internal message formats.

  • Time

    Extends the built-in DateTime class to provide handy methods and locale-aware formatting helpers

  • TranslatorFactory

    Factory to create translators

  • FrozenTime

    Extends the built-in DateTime class to provide handy methods and locale-aware formatting helpers

  • MessagesFileLoader

    A generic translations package factory that will load translations files based on the file extension and the package name.

  • ChainMessagesLoader

    Wraps multiple message loaders calling them one after another until one of them returns a non-empty package.

  • TranslatorRegistry

    Constructs and stores instances of translators that can be retrieved by name and locale.

  • RelativeTimeFormatter

    Helper class for formatting relative dates & times.

  • Date

    Extends the Date class provided by Chronos.

  • PluralRules

    Utility class used to determine the plural number to be used for a variable base on the locale

  • Number

    Number helper library.

  • I18n

    I18n handles translation of Text and time format strings.

  • FrozenDate

    Extends the Date class provided by Chronos.

Interfaces summary

Traits summary

  • DateFormatTrait

    Trait for date formatting methods shared by both Time & Date.

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