Namespace Cake\ORM

Classes summary

  • EagerLoader

    Exposes the methods for storing the associations that should be eager loaded for a table once a query is provided and delegates the job of creating the required joins and decorating the results so that those associations can be part of the result set.

  • Query

    Extends the base Query class to provide new methods related to association loading, automatic fields selection, automatic type casting and to wrap results into a specific iterator that will be responsible for hydrating results if required.

  • Behavior

    Base class for behaviors.

  • Association

    An Association is a relationship established between two tables and is used to configure and customize the way interconnected records are retrieved.

  • TableRegistry

    Provides a registry/factory for Table objects.

  • BehaviorRegistry

    BehaviorRegistry is used as a registry for loaded behaviors and handles loading and constructing behavior objects.

  • ResultSet

    Represents the results obtained after executing a query for a specific table This object is responsible for correctly nesting result keys reported from the query, casting each field to the correct type and executing the extra queries required for eager loading external associations.

  • SaveOptionsBuilder

    OOP style Save Option Builder.

  • AssociationCollection

    A container/collection for association classes.

  • LazyEagerLoader

    Contains methods that are capable of injecting eagerly loaded associations into entities or lists of entities by using the same syntax as the EagerLoader.

  • Table

    Represents a single database table.

  • Marshaller

    Contains logic to convert array data into entities.

  • Entity

    An entity represents a single result row from a repository. It exposes the methods for retrieving and storing properties associated in this row.

  • RulesChecker

    ORM flavoured rules checker.

  • EagerLoadable

    Represents a single level in the associations tree to be eagerly loaded for a specific query. This contains all the information required to fetch the results from the database from an associations and all its children levels.

Interfaces summary

Traits summary

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