
D header file for C99.

This module contains bindings to selected types and functions from the standard C header <assert.h>. Note that this is not automatically generated, and may omit some types/functions from the original C header.

Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) These are the various functions called by the assert() macro. They are all noreturn functions, although D doesn't have a specific attribute for that.
nothrow @nogc @trusted void __assert(const(char)* exp, const(char)* file, uint line);

Assert failure functions in the GLIBC library.

nothrow @nogc @trusted void __assert_fail(const(char)* exp, const(char)* file, uint line, const(char)* func);
nothrow @nogc @trusted void __assert_perror_fail(int errnum, const(char)* file, uint line, const(char)* func);

© 1999–2021 The D Language Foundation
Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.