
D header file for C99.

This module contains bindings to selected types and functions from the standard C header <stdarg.h>. Note that this is not automatically generated, and may omit some types/functions from the original C header.

Boost License 1.0.
Walter Bright, Hauke Duden
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
alias va_list = __va_list_tag*;

The argument pointer type.

public import core.internal.vararg.sysv_x64 : __va_list, __va_list_tag;

The argument pointer type.

void va_start(T)(out va_list ap, ref T parmn);

Initialize ap. parmn should be the last named parameter.

T va_arg(T)(ref va_list ap);

Retrieve and return the next value that is of type T.

void va_arg(T)(ref va_list ap, ref T parmn);

Retrieve and store in parmn the next value that is of type T.

nothrow @nogc @system void va_end(va_list ap);

End use of ap.

nothrow @nogc @system void va_copy(out va_list dest, va_list src, void* storage = alloca(__va_list_tag.sizeof));

Make a copy of ap.

© 1999–2021 The D Language Foundation
Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.