Deploy the application

You’ve built a Swarm cluster so now you are ready to build and deploy the voting application itself.

Step 1: Learn about the images

Some of the application’s containers are launched form existing images pulled directly from Docker Hub. Other containers are launched from custom images you must build. The list below shows which containers use custom images and which do not:

  • Load balancer container: stock image (ehazlett/interlock)
  • Redis containers: stock image (official redis image)
  • Postgres (PostgreSQL) containers: stock image (official postgres image)
  • Web containers: custom built image
  • Worker containers: custom built image
  • Results containers: custom built image

All custom built images are built using Dockerfile’s pulled from the example application’s public GitHub repository.

  1. If you haven’t already, ssh into the Swarm manager node.

  2. Clone the application’s GitHub repo

    $ git clone
    sudo: unable to resolve host master
    Cloning into 'swarm-microservice-demo-v1'...
    remote: Counting objects: 304, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
    remote: Total 304 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 287
    Receiving objects: 100% (304/304), 2.24 MiB | 2.88 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (132/132), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.

    This command creates a new directory structure inside of your working directory. The new directory contains all of the files and folders required to build the voting application images.

    The AWS directory contains the cloudformation.json file used to deploy the EC2 instances. The Vagrant directory contains files and instructions required to deploy the application using Vagrant. The results-app, vote-worker, and web-vote-app directories contain the Dockerfiles and other files required to build the custom images for those particular components of the application.

  3. Change directory into the swarm-microservice-demo-v1/web-vote-app directory.

    $ cd swarm-microservice-demo-v1/web-vote-app/
  4. View the Dockerfile contents.

    $ cat Dockerfile  
    # Using official python runtime base image
    FROM python:2.7
    # Set the application directory
    WORKDIR /app
    # Install our requirements.txt
    ADD requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
    RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Copy our code from the current folder to /app inside the container
    ADD . /app
    # Make port 80 available for links and/or publish
    EXPOSE 80
    # Define our command to be run when launching the container
    CMD ["python", ""]

    As you can see, the image is based on the official Python:2.7 tagged image, adds a requirements file into the /app directory, installs requirements, copies files from the build context into the container, exposes port 80 and tells the container which command to run.

  5. Spend time investigating the other parts of the application by viewing the results-app/Dockefile and the vote-worker/Dockerfile in the application.

Step 2. Build custom images

  1. If you haven’t already, ssh into the Swarm manager node.

  2. Make sure you have DOCKER_HOST set

    $ export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
  3. Change to the root of your swarm-microservice-demo-v1 clone.

  4. Build the web-votes-app image both the front end nodes.


    $ docker -H tcp:// build -t web-vote-app ./web-vote-app


    $ docker -H tcp:// build -t web-vote-app ./web-vote-app

    These commands build the web-vote-app image on the frontend01 and frontend02 nodes. To accomplish the operation, each command copies the contents of the swarm-microservice-demo-v1/web-vote-app sub-directory from the manager node to each frontend node. The command then instructs the Docker daemon on each frontend node to build the image and store it locally.

    You’ll notice this example uses a -H flag to pull an image to specific host. This is to help you conceptualize the architecture for this sample. In a production deployment, you’d omit this option and rely on the Swarm manager to distribute the image. The manager would pull the image to every node; so that any node can step in to run the image as needed.

    It may take a minute or so for each image to build. Wait for the builds to finish.

  5. Build vote-worker image on the worker01 node

    $ docker -H tcp:// build -t vote-worker ./vote-worker

    It may take a minute or so for the image to build. Wait for the build to finish.

  6. Build the results-app on the store node

    $ docker -H tcp:// build -t results-app ./results-app

Each of the custom images required by the application is now built and stored locally on the nodes that will use them.

Step 3. Pull images from Docker Hub

For performance reasons, it is always better to pull any required Docker Hub images locally on each instance that needs them. This ensures that containers based on those images can start quickly.

  1. Log into the Swarm manager node.

  2. Pull the redis image to your frontend nodes.


    $ docker -H tcp:// pull redis


    $ docker -H tcp:// pull redis
  3. Pull the postgres image to the store node

    $ docker -H tcp:// pull postgres
  4. Pull the ehazlett/interlock image to the interlock node

    $ docker -H tcp:// pull ehazlett/interlock

Each node in the cluster, as well as the interlock node, now has the required images stored locally as shown below.

Now that all images are built, pulled, and stored locally, the next step is to start the application.

Step 4. Start the voting application

In the following steps, your launch several containers to the voting application.

  1. If you haven’t already, ssh into the Swarm manager node.

  2. Start the interlock container on the interlock node

    $ docker -H tcp:// run --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 --name interlock -d ehazlett/interlock --swarm-url tcp:// --plugin haproxy start

    This command is issued against the interlock instance and maps port 80 on the instance to port 80 inside the container. This allows the container to load balance connections coming in over port 80 (HTTP). The command also applies the --restart=unless-stopped policy to the container, telling Docker to restart the container if it exits unexpectedly.

  3. Verify the container is running.

    $ docker -H tcp:// ps
  4. Start a redis container on your front end nodes.


    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==frontend01" -p 6379:6379 --name redis01 --net mynet -d redis
    $ docker -H tcp:// ps


    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==frontend02" -p 6379:6379 --name redis02 --net mynet -d redis
    $ docker -H tcp:// ps

    These two commands are issued against the Swarm cluster. The commands specify node constraints, forcing Swarm to start the contaienrs on frontend01 and frontend02. Port 6379 on each instance is mapped to port 6379 inside of each container for debugging purposes. The command also applies the --restart=unless-stopped policy to the containers and attaches them to the mynet overlay network.

  5. Start a web-vote-app container the frontend nodes.


    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==frontend01" -d -p 5000:80 -e WEB_VOTE_NUMBER='01' --name frontend01 --net mynet --hostname votingapp.local web-vote-app


    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==frontend02" -d -p 5000:80 -e WEB_VOTE_NUMBER='02' --name frontend02 --net mynet --hostname votingapp.local web-vote-app

    These two commands are issued against the Swarm cluster. The commands specify node constraints, forcing Swarm to start the contaienrs on frontend01 and frontend02. Port 5000 on each node is mapped to port 80 inside of each container. This allows connections to come in to each node on port 5000 and be forwarded to port 80 inside of each container.

    Both containers are attached to the mynet overlay network and both containers are given the votingapp-local hostname. The --restart=unless-stopped policy is also applied to these containers.

  6. Start the postgres container on the store node

    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==store" --name pg -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pg8675309 --net mynet -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

    This command is issued against the Swarm cluster and starts the container on store. It maps port 5432 on the store node to port 5432 inside the container and attaches the container to the mynet overlay network. The command also inserts the database password into the container via the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable and applies the --restart=unless-stopped policy to the container.

    Sharing passwords like this is not recommended for production use cases.

  7. Start the worker01 container on the worker01 node

    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==worker01" -d -e WORKER_NUMBER='01' -e FROM_REDIS_HOST=1 -e TO_REDIS_HOST=2 --name worker01 --net mynet vote-worker

    This command is issued against the Swarm manager and uses a constraint to start the container on the worker01 node. It passes configuration data into the container via environment variables, telling the worker container to clear the queues on frontend01 and frontend02. It adds the container to the mynet overlay network and applies the --restart=unless-stopped policy to the container.

  8. Start the results-app container on the store node

    $ docker run --restart=unless-stopped --env="constraint:node==store" -p 80:80 -d --name results-app --net mynet results-app

    This command starts the results-app container on the store node by means of a node constraint. It maps port 80 on the store node to port 80 inside the container. It adds the container to the mynet overlay network and applies the --restart=unless-stopped policy to the container.

The application is now fully deployed as shown in the diagram below.

Step 5. Test the application

Now that the application is deployed and running, it’s time to test it. To do this, you configure a DNS mapping on the machine where you are running your web browser. This maps the “votingapp.local” DNS name to the public IP address of the interlock node.

  1. Configure the DNS name resolution on your local machine for browsing.

    • On Windows machines this is done by adding votingapp.local <interlock-public-ip> to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file. Modifying this file requires administrator privileges. To open the file with administrator privileges, right-click C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe and select Run as administrator. Once Notepad is open, click file > open and open the file and make the edit.
    • On OSX machines this is done by adding votingapp.local <interlock-public-ip> to /private/etc/hosts.
    • On most Linux machines this is done by adding votingapp.local <interlock-public-ip> to /etc/hosts.

    Be sure to replace <interlock-public-ip> with the public IP address of your interlock node. You can find the interlock node’s Public IP by selecting your interlock EC2 Instance from within the AWS EC2 console.

  2. Verify the mapping worked with a ping command from your local machine.

    ping votingapp.local
    Pinging votingapp.local [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=164ms TTL=42
    Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=42
    Reply from bytes=32 time=169ms TTL=42
  3. Point your web browser to http://votingapp.local

    Notice the text at the bottom of the web page. This shows which web container serviced the request. In the diagram above, this is frontend02. If you refresh your web browser you should see this change as the Interlock load balancer shares incoming requests across both web containers.

    To see more detailed load balancer data from the Interlock service, point your web browser to http://stats:[email protected]/haproxy?stats

  4. Cast your vote. It is recommended to choose “Dogs” ;-)

  5. To see the results of the poll, you can point your web browser at the public IP of the store node

Next steps

Congratulations. You have successfully walked through manually deploying a microservice-based application to a Swarm cluster. Of course, not every deployment goes smoothly. Now that you’ve learned how to successfully deploy an application at scale, you should learn what to consider when troubleshooting large applications running on a Swarm cluster.

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