[Java] Class CachingTemplateResolver

  • groovy.text.markup.MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver

A template resolver which avoids calling ClassLoader.getResource if a template path already has been queried before. This improves performance if caching is enabled in the configuration.

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected Map<String, URL> cache
protected boolean useCache

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver (Map<String, URL> cache)
Creates a new caching template resolver.
MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver ()
Creates a new caching template resolver using a concurrent hash map as the backing cache.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
void configure(ClassLoader templateClassLoader, TemplateConfiguration configuration)
URL resolveTemplate(String templatePath)

Field Detail

protected final Map<String, URL> cache

protected boolean useCache

Constructor Detail

public MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver(Map<String, URL> cache)

Creates a new caching template resolver. The cache implementation being used depends on the use of the template engine. If multiple templates can be rendered in parallel, it must be using a thread-safe cache.

cache - the backing cache

public MarkupTemplateEngine.CachingTemplateResolver()

Creates a new caching template resolver using a concurrent hash map as the backing cache.

Method Detail

@Override public void configure(ClassLoader templateClassLoader, TemplateConfiguration configuration)

@Override public URL resolveTemplate(String templatePath)

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