[Java] Class ExpressionAsVariableSlot

  • org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.ExpressionAsVariableSlot

Helper class that takes an Expression and if visited will load it normally, storing the result in a helper variable, which then can be requested after the visit is completed. A copy of the variable will stay on the stack. Subsequent visits will load the stored value instead of visiting the expression again

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class BytecodeExpression NOP

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ExpressionAsVariableSlot (WriterController controller, Expression expression, String name)
ExpressionAsVariableSlot (WriterController controller, Expression expression)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
int getIndex()
returns the index of the bytecode variable
String getText()
void visit(org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor mv)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class BytecodeExpression transformExpression, visit, visit
class Expression getType, setType, transformExpression, transformExpressions, transformExpressions
class AnnotatedNode addAnnotation, addAnnotations, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getDeclaringClass, hasNoRealSourcePosition, isSynthetic, setDeclaringClass, setHasNoRealSourcePosition, setSynthetic
class ASTNode copyNodeMetaData, getColumnNumber, getLastColumnNumber, getLastLineNumber, getLineNumber, getNodeMetaData, getNodeMetaData, getText, putNodeMetaData, removeNodeMetaData, setColumnNumber, setLastColumnNumber, setLastLineNumber, setLineNumber, setNodeMetaData, setSourcePosition, visit
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public ExpressionAsVariableSlot(WriterController controller, Expression expression, String name)

public ExpressionAsVariableSlot(WriterController controller, Expression expression)

Method Detail

public int getIndex()

returns the index of the bytecode variable

@Override public String getText()

@Override public void visit(org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor mv)

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