Annotation Type XmlEnumValue

public @interface XmlEnumValue

Maps an enum constant in Enum type to XML representation.


The @XmlEnumValue annotation can be used with the following program elements:

  • enum constant

See "Package Specification" in javax.xml.bind.package javadoc for additional common information.

This annotation, together with XmlEnum provides a mapping of enum type to XML representation.

An enum type is mapped to a schema simple type with enumeration facets. The schema type is derived from the Java type specified in @XmlEnum.value(). Each enum constant @XmlEnumValue must have a valid lexical representation for the type @XmlEnum.value()

In the absence of this annotation, is used as the XML representation.

Example 1: Map enum constant name -> enumeration facet

//Example: Code fragment
     public enum Card { CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, SPADES }

     <!-- Example: XML Schema fragment -->
     <xs:simpleType name="Card">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="CLUBS"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="DIAMONDS"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="HEARTS"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="SPADES"/>

Example 2: Map enum constant name(value) -> enumeration facet

//Example: code fragment
     public enum Coin {
         @XmlEnumValue("1") PENNY(1),
         @XmlEnumValue("5") NICKEL(5),
         @XmlEnumValue("10") DIME(10),
         @XmlEnumValue("25") QUARTER(25) }

     <!-- Example: XML Schema fragment -->
     <xs:simpleType name="Coin">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
         <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="5"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="10"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="25"/>

Example 3: Map enum constant name -> enumeration facet

//Code fragment
     public enum Code {
         @XmlEnumValue("1") ONE,
         @XmlEnumValue("2") TWO;

     <!-- Example: XML Schema fragment -->
     <xs:simpleType name="Code">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
         <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="2"/>
JAXB 2.0

Required Elements

Modifier and Type Required Element and Description
String value



public abstract String value

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