Annotation Type XmlList

public @interface XmlList

Used to map a property to a list simple type.


The @XmlList annotation can be used with the following program elements:

  • JavaBean property
  • field

When a collection property is annotated just with @XmlElement, each item in the collection will be wrapped by an element. For example,

 class Foo {
     List<String> data;
would produce XML like this:
@XmlList annotation, on the other hand, allows multiple values to be represented as whitespace-separated tokens in a single element. For example,
 class Foo {
     List<String> data;
the above code will produce XML like this:
   <data>abc def

This annotation can be used with the following annotations: XmlElement, XmlAttribute, XmlValue, XmlIDREF.

  • The use of @XmlList with XmlValue while allowed, is redundant since XmlList maps a collection type to a simple schema type that derives by list just as XmlValue would.
  • The use of @XmlList with XmlAttribute while allowed, is redundant since XmlList maps a collection type to a simple schema type that derives by list just as XmlAttribute would.

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