
statsmodels.stats.proportion.proportions_chisquare_pairscontrol(count, nobs, value=None, multitest_method='hs', alternative='two-sided') [source]

chisquare test of proportions for pairs of k samples compared to control

Performs a chisquare test for proportions for pairwise comparisons with a control (Dunnet’s test). The control is assumed to be the first element of count and nobs. The alternative is two-sided, larger or smaller.

  • count (integer or array_like) – the number of successes in nobs trials.
  • nobs (integer) – the number of trials or observations.
  • prop (float, optional) – The probability of success under the null hypothesis, 0 <= prop <= 1. The default value is prop = 0.5
  • multitest_method (string) – This chooses the method for the multiple testing p-value correction, that is used as default in the results. It can be any method that is available in multipletesting. The default is Holm-Sidak ‘hs’.
  • alternative (string in ['two-sided', 'smaller', 'larger']) – alternative hypothesis, which can be two-sided or either one of the one-sided tests.

result – The returned results instance has several statistics, such as p-values, attached, and additional methods for using a non-default multitest_method.

Return type:

AllPairsResults instance


Yates continuity correction is not available.

value and alternative options are not yet implemented.

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© 2006 Jonathan E. Taylor
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