
class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer extends BaseDateTimeTransformer

Transforms between a normalized time and a localized time string.


__construct(string $inputTimezone = null, string $outputTimezone = null, int $dateFormat = null, int $timeFormat = null, int $calendar = \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, string $pattern = null)
mixed transform(DateTime|DateTimeInterface $dateTime)

Transforms a normalized date into a localized date string/array.

mixed reverseTransform(mixed $value)

Transforms a localized date string/array into a normalized date.


__construct(string $inputTimezone = null, string $outputTimezone = null, int $dateFormat = null, int $timeFormat = null, int $calendar = \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, string $pattern = null)


string $inputTimezone The name of the input timezone
string $outputTimezone The name of the output timezone
int $dateFormat The date format
int $timeFormat The time format
int $calendar One of the \IntlDateFormatter calendar constants
string $pattern A pattern to pass to \IntlDateFormatter


UnexpectedTypeException If a format is not supported or if a timezone is not a string

See also

BaseDateTimeTransformer::formats for available format options

mixed transform(DateTime|DateTimeInterface $dateTime)

Transforms a normalized date into a localized date string/array.


DateTime|DateTimeInterface $dateTime A DateTime object

Return Value

mixed The value in the transformed representation


TransformationFailedException if the given value is not an instance of \DateTime or \DateTimeInterface or if the date could not be transformed

mixed reverseTransform(mixed $value)

Transforms a localized date string/array into a normalized date.


mixed $value The value in the transformed representation

Return Value

mixed The value in the original representation


TransformationFailedException if the given value is not a string, if the date could not be parsed