
class DependencyInjectionExtension implements FormExtensionInterface


__construct(ContainerInterface $container, array $typeServiceIds, array $typeExtensionServiceIds, array $guesserServiceIds)
FormTypeInterface getType(string $name)

Returns a type by name.

bool hasType(string $name)

Returns whether the given type is supported.

FormTypeExtensionInterface[] getTypeExtensions(string $name)

Returns the extensions for the given type.

bool hasTypeExtensions(string $name)

Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.

FormTypeGuesserInterface|null getTypeGuesser()

Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.


__construct(ContainerInterface $container, array $typeServiceIds, array $typeExtensionServiceIds, array $guesserServiceIds)


ContainerInterface $container
array $typeServiceIds
array $typeExtensionServiceIds
array $guesserServiceIds

FormTypeInterface getType(string $name)

Returns a type by name.


string $name The name of the type

Return Value

FormTypeInterface The type


InvalidArgumentException if the given type is not supported by this extension

bool hasType(string $name)

Returns whether the given type is supported.


string $name The name of the type

Return Value

bool Whether the type is supported by this extension

FormTypeExtensionInterface[] getTypeExtensions(string $name)

Returns the extensions for the given type.


string $name The name of the type

Return Value

FormTypeExtensionInterface[] An array of extensions as FormTypeExtensionInterface instances

bool hasTypeExtensions(string $name)

Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.


string $name The name of the type

Return Value

bool Whether the given type has extensions

FormTypeGuesserInterface|null getTypeGuesser()

Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.

Return Value

FormTypeGuesserInterface|null The type guesser