UniversalClassLoader deprecated

class UniversalClassLoader


since version 2.4, to be removed in 3.0. Use the {@link ClassLoader} class instead.

UniversalClassLoader implements a "universal" autoloader for PHP 5.3.

It is able to load classes that use either:

  • The technical interoperability standards for PHP 5.3 namespaces and class names (https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md);

  • The PEAR naming convention for classes (http://pear.php.net/).

Classes from a sub-namespace or a sub-hierarchy of PEAR classes can be looked for in a list of locations to ease the vendoring of a sub-set of classes for large projects.

Example usage:

$loader = new UniversalClassLoader();

// register classes with namespaces
    'Symfony\Component' => __DIR__.'/component',
    'Symfony' => __DIR__.'/framework',
    'Sensio' => array(__DIR__.'/src', __DIR__.'/vendor'),

// register a library using the PEAR naming convention
    'Swift_' => __DIR__.'/Swift',

// to enable searching the include path (e.g. for PEAR packages)

// activate the autoloader

In this example, if you try to use a class in the Symfony\Component namespace or one of its children (Symfony\Component\Console for instance), the autoloader will first look for the class under the component/ directory, and it will then fallback to the framework/ directory if not found before giving up.


useIncludePath(bool $useIncludePath)

Turns on searching the include for class files. Allows easy loading of installed PEAR packages.

bool getUseIncludePath()

Can be used to check if the autoloader uses the include path to check for classes.

array getNamespaces()

Gets the configured namespaces.

array getPrefixes()

Gets the configured class prefixes.

array getNamespaceFallbacks()

Gets the directory(ies) to use as a fallback for namespaces.

array getPrefixFallbacks()

Gets the directory(ies) to use as a fallback for class prefixes.

registerNamespaceFallbacks(array $dirs)

Registers the directory to use as a fallback for namespaces.

registerNamespaceFallback(string $dir)

Registers a directory to use as a fallback for namespaces.

registerPrefixFallbacks(array $dirs)

Registers directories to use as a fallback for class prefixes.

registerPrefixFallback(string $dir)

Registers a directory to use as a fallback for class prefixes.

registerNamespaces(array $namespaces)

Registers an array of namespaces.

registerNamespace(string $namespace, array|string $paths)

Registers a namespace.

registerPrefixes(array $classes)

Registers an array of classes using the PEAR naming convention.

registerPrefix(string $prefix, array|string $paths)

Registers a set of classes using the PEAR naming convention.

register(bool $prepend = false)

Registers this instance as an autoloader.

bool|null loadClass(string $class)

Loads the given class or interface.

string|null findFile(string $class)

Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.


useIncludePath(bool $useIncludePath)

Turns on searching the include for class files. Allows easy loading of installed PEAR packages.


bool $useIncludePath

bool getUseIncludePath()

Can be used to check if the autoloader uses the include path to check for classes.

Return Value


array getNamespaces()

Gets the configured namespaces.

Return Value

array A hash with namespaces as keys and directories as values

array getPrefixes()

Gets the configured class prefixes.

Return Value

array A hash with class prefixes as keys and directories as values

array getNamespaceFallbacks()

Gets the directory(ies) to use as a fallback for namespaces.

Return Value

array An array of directories

array getPrefixFallbacks()

Gets the directory(ies) to use as a fallback for class prefixes.

Return Value

array An array of directories

registerNamespaceFallbacks(array $dirs)

Registers the directory to use as a fallback for namespaces.


array $dirs An array of directories

registerNamespaceFallback(string $dir)

Registers a directory to use as a fallback for namespaces.


string $dir A directory

registerPrefixFallbacks(array $dirs)

Registers directories to use as a fallback for class prefixes.


array $dirs An array of directories

registerPrefixFallback(string $dir)

Registers a directory to use as a fallback for class prefixes.


string $dir A directory

registerNamespaces(array $namespaces)

Registers an array of namespaces.


array $namespaces An array of namespaces (namespaces as keys and locations as values)

registerNamespace(string $namespace, array|string $paths)

Registers a namespace.


string $namespace The namespace
array|string $paths The location(s) of the namespace

registerPrefixes(array $classes)

Registers an array of classes using the PEAR naming convention.


array $classes An array of classes (prefixes as keys and locations as values)

registerPrefix(string $prefix, array|string $paths)

Registers a set of classes using the PEAR naming convention.


string $prefix The classes prefix
array|string $paths The location(s) of the classes

register(bool $prepend = false)

Registers this instance as an autoloader.


bool $prepend Whether to prepend the autoloader or not

bool|null loadClass(string $class)

Loads the given class or interface.


string $class The name of the class

Return Value

bool|null True, if loaded

string|null findFile(string $class)

Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.


string $class The name of the class

Return Value

string|null The path, if found

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.