
Package system.web
Inheritance interface IWidgetFactory
Subclasses CWidgetFactory
Since 1.1
Source Code framework/base/interfaces.php
IWidgetFactory is the interface that must be implemented by a widget factory class.

When calling CBaseController::createWidget, if a widget factory is available, it will be used for creating the requested widget.

Public Methods

Method Description Defined By
createWidget() Creates a new widget based on the given class name and initial properties. IWidgetFactory

Method Details

createWidget() method

abstract public CWidget createWidget(CBaseController $owner, string $className, array $properties=array ( ))
$owner CBaseController the owner of the new widget
$className string the class name of the widget. This can also be a path alias (e.g. system.web.widgets.COutputCache)
$properties array the initial property values (name=>value) of the widget.
{return} CWidget the newly created widget whose properties have been initialized with the given values.
Source Code: framework/base/interfaces.php#548 (show)
public function createWidget($owner,$className,$properties=array());

Creates a new widget based on the given class name and initial properties.

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