Class Log

Logs messages to configured Log adapters. One or more adapters can be configured using Cake Logs's methods. If you don't configure any adapters, and write to Log, the messages will be ignored.

Configuring Log adapters

You can configure log adapters in your applications config/app.php file. A sample configuration would look like:

Log::setConfig('my_log', ['className' => 'FileLog']);

You can define the className as any fully namespaced classname or use a short hand classname to use loggers in the App\Log\Engine & Cake\Log\Engine namespaces. You can also use plugin short hand to use logging classes provided by plugins.

Log adapters are required to implement Psr\Log\LoggerInterface, and there is a built-in base class (Cake\Log\Engine\BaseLog) that can be used for custom loggers.

Outside of the className key, all other configuration values will be passed to the logging adapter's constructor as an array.

Logging levels

When configuring loggers, you can set which levels a logger will handle. This allows you to disable debug messages in production for example:

Log::setConfig('default', [
    'className' => 'File',
    'path' => LOGS,
    'levels' => ['error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency']

The above logger would only log error messages or higher. Any other log messages would be discarded.

Logging scopes

When configuring loggers you can define the active scopes the logger is for. If defined, only the listed scopes will be handled by the logger. If you don't define any scopes an adapter will catch all scopes that match the handled levels.

Log::setConfig('payments', [
    'className' => 'File',
    'scopes' => ['payment', 'order']

The above logger will only capture log entries made in the payment and order scopes. All other scopes including the undefined scope will be ignored.

Writing to the log

You write to the logs using Log::write(). See its documentation for more information.

Logging Levels

By default Cake Log supports all the log levels defined in RFC 5424. When logging messages you can either use the named methods, or the correct constants with write():

Log::error('Something horrible happened');
Log::write(LOG_ERR, 'Something horrible happened');

Logging scopes

When logging messages and configuring log adapters, you can specify 'scopes' that the logger will handle. You can think of scopes as subsystems in your application that may require different logging setups. For example in an e-commerce application you may want to handle logged errors in the cart and ordering subsystems differently than the rest of the application. By using scopes you can control logging for each part of your application and also use standard log levels.

Cake\Log\Log uses Cake\Core\StaticConfigTrait
Namespace: Cake\Log
Location: Log/Log.php

Properties summary

  • $_dirtyConfig protected static
    Internal flag for tracking whether or not configuration has been changed.
  • $_dsnClassMap protected static
    An array mapping url schemes to fully qualified Log engine class names
  • $_levelMap protected static

    Log levels as detailed in RFC 5424

  • $_levels protected static
    Handled log levels
  • $_registry protected static
    LogEngineRegistry class

Inherited Properties

Method Summary

  • _init() protected static
    Initializes registry and configurations
  • _loadConfig() protected static

    Load the defined configuration and create all the defined logging adapters.

  • alert() public static
    Convenience method to log alert messages
  • critical() public static
    Convenience method to log critical messages
  • debug() public static
    Convenience method to log debug messages
  • emergency() public static
    Convenience method to log emergency messages
  • engine() public static
    Get a logging engine.
  • error() public static
    Convenience method to log error messages
  • info() public static
    Convenience method to log info messages
  • levels() public static
    Gets log levels
  • notice() public static
    Convenience method to log notice messages
  • reset() public static

    Reset all the connected loggers. This is useful to do when changing the logging configuration or during testing when you want to reset the internal state of the Log class.

  • setConfig() public static

    This method can be used to define logging adapters for an application or read existing configuration.

  • warning() public static
    Convenience method to log warning messages
  • write() public static

    Writes the given message and type to all of the configured log adapters. Configured adapters are passed both the $level and $message variables. $level is one of the following strings/values.

Method Detail

_init()source protected static

_init( )

Initializes registry and configurations

_loadConfig()source protected static

_loadConfig( )

Load the defined configuration and create all the defined logging adapters.

alert()source public static

alert( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log alert messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



critical()source public static

critical( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log critical messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



debug()source public static

debug( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log debug messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



emergency()source public static

emergency( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log emergency messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



engine()source public static

engine( string $name )

Get a logging engine.


string $name
Key name of a configured adapter to get.


Instance of BaseLog or false if not found

error()source public static

error( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log error messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



info()source public static

info( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log info messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



levels()source public static

levels( )

Gets log levels

Call this method to obtain current level configuration.


active log levels

notice()source public static

notice( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log notice messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



reset()source public static

reset( )

Reset all the connected loggers. This is useful to do when changing the logging configuration or during testing when you want to reset the internal state of the Log class.

Resets the configured logging adapters, as well as any custom logging levels. This will also clear the configuration data.

setConfig()source public static

setConfig( string|array $key , array|null $config = null )

This method can be used to define logging adapters for an application or read existing configuration.

To change an adapter's configuration at runtime, first drop the adapter and then reconfigure it.

Loggers will not be constructed until the first log message is written.


Setting a cache engine up.

Log::setConfig('default', $settings);

Injecting a constructed adapter in:

Log::setConfig('default', $instance);

Using a factory function to get an adapter:

Log::setConfig('default', function () { return new FileLog(); });

Configure multiple adapters at once:



string|array $key
The name of the logger config, or an array of multiple configs.
array|null $config optional null
An array of name => config data for adapter.


When trying to modify an existing config.

warning()source public static

warning( string $message , string|array $context = [] )

Convenience method to log warning messages


string $message
log message
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.



write()source public static

write( integer|string $level , mixed $message , string|array $context = [] )

Writes the given message and type to all of the configured log adapters. Configured adapters are passed both the $level and $message variables. $level is one of the following strings/values.


  • LOG_EMERG => 'emergency',
  • LOG_ALERT => 'alert',
  • LOG_CRIT => 'critical',
  • LOG_ERR => 'error',
  • LOG_WARNING => 'warning',
  • LOG_NOTICE => 'notice',
  • LOG_INFO => 'info',
  • LOG_DEBUG => 'debug',

Basic usage

Write a 'warning' message to the logs:

Log::write('warning', 'Stuff is broken here');

Using scopes

When writing a log message you can define one or many scopes for the message. This allows you to handle messages differently based on application section/feature.

Log::write('warning', 'Payment failed', ['scope' => 'payment']);

When configuring loggers you can configure the scopes a particular logger will handle. When using scopes, you must ensure that the level of the message, and the scope of the message intersect with the defined levels & scopes for a logger.

Unhandled log messages

If no configured logger can handle a log message (because of level or scope restrictions) then the logged message will be ignored and silently dropped. You can check if this has happened by inspecting the return of write(). If false the message was not handled.


integer|string $level

The severity level of the message being written. The value must be an integer or string matching a known level.

mixed $message
Message content to log
string|array $context optional []

Additional data to be used for logging the message. The special scope key can be passed to be used for further filtering of the log engines to be used. If a string or a numerically index array is passed, it will be treated as the scope key. See Cake\Log\Log::setConfig() for more information on logging scopes.




If invalid level is passed.

Methods used from Cake\Core\StaticConfigTrait

config()source public static deprecated

config( string|array $key , array|null $config = null )

This method can be used to define configuration adapters for an application or read existing configuration.

To change an adapter's configuration at runtime, first drop the adapter and then reconfigure it.

Adapters will not be constructed until the first operation is done.


Assuming that the class' name is Cache the following scenarios are supported:

Reading config data back:


Setting a cache engine up.

Cache::config('default', $settings);

Injecting a constructed adapter in:

Cache::config('default', $instance);

Configure multiple adapters at once:



3.4.0 Use setConfig()/getConfig() instead.


string|array $key
The name of the configuration, or an array of multiple configs.
array|null $config optional null
An array of name => configuration data for adapter.


Null when adding configuration or an array of configuration data when reading.


When trying to modify an existing config.

configured()source public static

configured( )

Returns an array containing the named configurations


Array of configurations.

drop()source public static

drop( string $config )

Drops a constructed adapter.

If you wish to modify an existing configuration, you should drop it, change configuration and then re-add it.

If the implementing objects supports a $_registry object the named configuration will also be unloaded from the registry.


string $config
An existing configuration you wish to remove.


Success of the removal, returns false when the config does not exist.

dsnClassMap()source public static deprecated

dsnClassMap( array $map = null )

Returns or updates the DSN class map for this class.


3.4.0 Use setDsnClassMap()/getDsnClassMap() instead.


array $map optional null
Additions/edits to the class map to apply.



getConfig()source public static

getConfig( string $key )

Reads existing configuration.


string $key
The name of the configuration.


Configuration data at the named key or null if the key does not exist.

getDsnClassMap()source public static

getDsnClassMap( )

Returns the DSN class map for this class.



parseDsn()source public static

parseDsn( string $dsn )

Parses a DSN into a valid connection configuration

This method allows setting a DSN using formatting similar to that used by PEAR::DB. The following is an example of its usage:

$dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/database?';
$config = ConnectionManager::parseDsn($dsn);

$dsn = 'Cake\Log\Engine\FileLog://?types=notice,info,debug&file=debug&path=LOGS';
$config = Log::parseDsn($dsn);

$dsn = 'smtp://user:secret@localhost:25?timeout=30&client=null&tls=null';
$config = Email::parseDsn($dsn);

$dsn = 'file:///?className=\My\Cache\Engine\FileEngine';
$config = Cache::parseDsn($dsn);

$dsn = 'File://?prefix=myapp_cake_core_&serialize=true&duration=+2 minutes&path=/tmp/persistent/';
$config = Cache::parseDsn($dsn);

For all classes, the value of scheme is set as the value of both the className unless they have been otherwise specified.

Note that querystring arguments are also parsed and set as values in the returned configuration.


string $dsn
The DSN string to convert to a configuration array


The configuration array to be stored after parsing the DSN


If not passed a string, or passed an invalid string

setDsnClassMap()source public static

setDsnClassMap( array $map )

Updates the DSN class map for this class.


array $map
Additions/edits to the class map to apply.

Properties detail


protected static boolean

Internal flag for tracking whether or not configuration has been changed.



protected static array

An array mapping url schemes to fully qualified Log engine class names

    'console' => 'Cake\Log\Engine\ConsoleLog',
    'file' => 'Cake\Log\Engine\FileLog',
    'syslog' => 'Cake\Log\Engine\SyslogLog',


protected static array

Log levels as detailed in RFC 5424

    'emergency' => LOG_EMERG,
    'alert' => LOG_ALERT,
    'critical' => LOG_CRIT,
    'error' => LOG_ERR,
    'warning' => LOG_WARNING,
    'notice' => LOG_NOTICE,
    'info' => LOG_INFO,
    'debug' => LOG_DEBUG,


protected static array

Handled log levels



protected static Cake\Log\LogEngineRegistry|null

LogEngineRegistry class

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