Class Route

A single Route used by the Router to connect requests to parameter maps.

Not normally created as a standalone. Use Router::connect() to create Routes for your application.

Direct Subclasses

Indirect Subclasses

Namespace: Cake\Routing\Route
Location: Routing/Route/Route.php

Constants summary

  • array


Properties summary

  • $_compiledRoute protected
    The compiled route regular expression
  • $_extensions protected
    List of connected extensions for this route.
  • $_greedy protected

    Is this route a greedy route? Greedy routes have a /* in their template

  • $_name protected
    The name for a route. Fetch with Route::getName();
  • $braceKeys protected
    Track whether or not brace keys {var} were used.
  • $defaults public
    Default parameters for a Route
  • $keys public

    An array of named segments in a Route. /:controller/:action/:id has 3 key elements

  • $middleware protected
    List of middleware that should be applied.
  • $options public
    An array of additional parameters for the Route.
  • $template public
    The routes template string.

Method Summary

  • __construct() public
    Constructor for a Route
  • __set_state() public static
    Set state magic method to support var_export
  • _matchMethod() protected
    Check whether or not the URL's HTTP method matches.
  • _parseArgs() protected
    Parse passed parameters into a list of passed args.
  • _parseExtension() protected

    Removes the extension from $url if it contains a registered extension. If no registered extension is found, no extension is returned and the URL is returned unmodified.

  • _persistParams() protected

    Apply persistent parameters to a URL array. Persistent parameters are a special key used during route creation to force route parameters to persist when omitted from a URL array.

  • _writeRoute() protected
    Builds a route regular expression.
  • _writeUrl() protected
    Converts a matching route array into a URL string.
  • compile() public
    Compiles the route's regular expression.
  • compiled() public
    Check if a Route has been compiled into a regular expression.
  • extensions() public deprecated
    Get/Set the supported extensions for this route.
  • Get the supported extensions for this route.
  • Get the names of the middleware that should be applied to this route.
  • getName() public
    Get the standardized plugin.controller:action name for a route.
  • hostMatches() public
    Check to see if the host matches the route requirements
  • match() public
    Check if a URL array matches this route instance.
  • parse() public deprecated
    Checks to see if the given URL can be parsed by this route.
  • Checks to see if the given URL can be parsed by this route.
  • Set the supported extensions for this route.
  • setHost() public
    Set host requirement
  • setMethods() public
    Set the accepted HTTP methods for this route.
  • Set the names of the middleware that should be applied to this route.
  • setPass() public
    Set the names of parameters that will be converted into passed parameters
  • setPatterns() public
    Set regexp patterns for routing parameters
  • setPersist() public
    Set the names of parameters that will persisted automatically
  • staticPath() public
    Get the static path portion for this route.

Method Detail

__construct()source public

__construct( string $template , array|string $defaults = [] , array $options = [] )

Constructor for a Route


  • _ext - Defines the extensions used for this route.
  • _middleware - Define the middleware names for this route.
  • pass - Copies the listed parameters into params['pass'].
  • _host - Define the host name pattern if you want this route to only match specific host names. You can use .* and to create wildcard subdomains/hosts e.g. * matches all subdomains on


string $template
Template string with parameter placeholders
array|string $defaults optional []
Defaults for the route.
array $options optional []
Array of additional options for the Route

__set_state()source public static

__set_state( array $fields )

Set state magic method to support var_export

This method helps for applications that want to implement router caching.


array $fields
Key/Value of object attributes


A new instance of the route

_matchMethod()source protected

_matchMethod( array $url )

Check whether or not the URL's HTTP method matches.


array $url
The array for the URL being generated.



_parseArgs()source protected

_parseArgs( string $args , string $context )

Parse passed parameters into a list of passed args.

Return true if a given named $param's $val matches a given $rule depending on $context. Currently implemented rule types are controller, action and match that can be combined with each other.


string $args
A string with the passed params. eg. /1/foo
string $context
The current route context, which should contain controller/action keys.


Array of passed args.

_parseExtension()source protected

_parseExtension( string $url )

Removes the extension from $url if it contains a registered extension. If no registered extension is found, no extension is returned and the URL is returned unmodified.


string $url
The url to parse.


containing url, extension

_persistParams()source protected

_persistParams( array $url , array $params )

Apply persistent parameters to a URL array. Persistent parameters are a special key used during route creation to force route parameters to persist when omitted from a URL array.


array $url
The array to apply persistent parameters to.
array $params
An array of persistent values to replace persistent ones.


An array with persistent parameters applied.

_writeRoute()source protected

_writeRoute( )

Builds a route regular expression.

Uses the template, defaults and options properties to compile a regular expression that can be used to parse request strings.

_writeUrl()source protected

_writeUrl( array $params , array $pass = [] , array $query = [] )

Converts a matching route array into a URL string.

Composes the string URL using the template used to create the route.


array $params
The params to convert to a string url
array $pass optional []
The additional passed arguments
array $query optional []
An array of parameters


Composed route string.

compile()source public

compile( )

Compiles the route's regular expression.

Modifies defaults property so all necessary keys are set and populates $this->names with the named routing elements.


Returns a string regular expression of the compiled route.

compiled()source public

compiled( )

Check if a Route has been compiled into a regular expression.



extensions()source public deprecated

extensions( null|string|array $extensions = null )

Get/Set the supported extensions for this route.


3.3.9 Use getExtensions/setExtensions instead.


null|string|array $extensions optional null
The extensions to set. Use null to get.


The extensions or null.

getExtensions()source public

getExtensions( )

Get the supported extensions for this route.



getMiddleware()source public

getMiddleware( )

Get the names of the middleware that should be applied to this route.



getName()source public

getName( )

Get the standardized plugin.controller:action name for a route.



hostMatches()source public

hostMatches( string $host )

Check to see if the host matches the route requirements


string $host
The request's host name


Whether or not the host matches any conditions set in for this route.

match()source public

match( array $url , array $context = [] )

Check if a URL array matches this route instance.

If the URL matches the route parameters and settings, then return a generated string URL. If the URL doesn't match the route parameters, false will be returned. This method handles the reverse routing or conversion of URL arrays into string URLs.


array $url
An array of parameters to check matching with.
array $context optional []

An array of the current request context. Contains information such as the current host, scheme, port, base directory and other url params.


Either a string URL for the parameters if they match or false.

parse()source public deprecated

parse( string $url , string $method = '' )

Checks to see if the given URL can be parsed by this route.

If the route can be parsed an array of parameters will be returned; if not false will be returned. String URLs are parsed if they match a routes regular expression.


3.4.0 Use/implement parseRequest() instead as it provides more flexibility/control.


string $url
The URL to attempt to parse.
string $method optional ''
The HTTP method of the request being parsed.


An array of request parameters, or false on failure.

parseRequest()source public

parseRequest( Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request )

Checks to see if the given URL can be parsed by this route.

If the route can be parsed an array of parameters will be returned; if not false will be returned.


Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
The URL to attempt to parse.


An array of request parameters, or false on failure.

setExtensions()source public

setExtensions( array $extensions )

Set the supported extensions for this route.


array $extensions
The extensions to set.



setHost()source public

setHost( string $host )

Set host requirement


string $host
The host name this route is bound to



setMethods()source public

setMethods( array $methods )

Set the accepted HTTP methods for this route.


array $methods
The HTTP methods to accept.





setMiddleware()source public

setMiddleware( array $middleware )

Set the names of the middleware that should be applied to this route.


array $middleware

The list of middleware names to apply to this route. Middleware names will not be checked until the route is matched.



setPass()source public

setPass( array $names )

Set the names of parameters that will be converted into passed parameters


array $names
The names of the parameters that should be passed.



setPatterns()source public

setPatterns( array $patterns )

Set regexp patterns for routing parameters

If any of your patterns contain multibyte values, the multibytePattern mode will be enabled.


array $patterns
The patterns to apply to routing elements



setPersist()source public

setPersist( array $names )

Set the names of parameters that will persisted automatically

Persistent parameters allow you to define which route parameters should be automatically included when generating new URLs. You can override persistent parameters by redefining them in a URL or remove them by setting the persistent parameter to false.

// remove a persistent 'date' parameter
Router::url(['date' => false', ...]);


array $names
The names of the parameters that should be passed.



staticPath()source public

staticPath( )

Get the static path portion for this route.



Properties detail


protected string|null

The compiled route regular expression


protected array

List of connected extensions for this route.



protected boolean

Is this route a greedy route? Greedy routes have a /* in their template



protected string|null

The name for a route. Fetch with Route::getName();


protected boolean

Track whether or not brace keys {var} were used.



public array

Default parameters for a Route



public array

An array of named segments in a Route. /:controller/:action/:id has 3 key elements



protected array

List of middleware that should be applied.



public array

An array of additional parameters for the Route.



public string|null

The routes template string.

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