RawZLibFilter.deflateFilter constructor

  1. {bool gzip = false,
  2. int level = ZLibOption.defaultLevel,
  3. int windowBits = ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits,
  4. int memLevel = ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel,
  5. int strategy = ZLibOption.strategyDefault,
  6. List<int>? dictionary,
  7. bool raw = false}

Returns a a RawZLibFilter whose process and processed methods compress data.


factory RawZLibFilter.deflateFilter({
  bool gzip = false,
  int level = ZLibOption.defaultLevel,
  int windowBits = ZLibOption.defaultWindowBits,
  int memLevel = ZLibOption.defaultMemLevel,
  int strategy = ZLibOption.strategyDefault,
  List<int>? dictionary,
  bool raw = false,
}) {
  return _makeZLibDeflateFilter(
      gzip, level, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, dictionary, raw);

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