Class ApplicationInstance.BootOptions

Defined in: packages/@ember/application/instance.js:308
Module: @ember/application

document public

Module: @ember/application

If present, render into the given Document object instead of the global window.document object.

In practice, this is only useful in non-browser environment or in non-interactive mode, because Ember's jQuery dependency is implicitly bound to the current document, causing event delegation to not work properly when the app is rendered into a foreign document object (such as an iframe's contentDocument).

In non-browser mode, this could be a "Document-like" object as Ember only interact with a small subset of the DOM API in non- interactive mode. While the exact requirements have not yet been formalized, the SimpleDOM library's implementation is known to work.

isBrowser public

Module: @ember/application

Run in a full browser environment.

When this flag is set to false, it will disable most browser-specific and interactive features. Specifically:

  • It does not use jQuery to append the root view; the rootElement (either specified as a subsequent option or on the application itself) must already be an Element in the given document (as opposed to a string selector).

  • It does not set up an EventDispatcher.

  • It does not run any Component lifecycle hooks (such as didInsertElement).

  • It sets the location option to "none". (If you would like to use the location adapter specified in the app's router instead, you can also specify { location: null } to specifically opt-out.)

location public

Module: @ember/application

If present, overrides the router's location property with this value. This is useful for environments where trying to modify the URL would be inappropriate.

rootElement public

Module: @ember/application

If present, overrides the application's rootElement property on the instance. This is useful for testing environment, where you might want to append the root view to a fixture area.

In non-browser mode, because Ember does not have access to jQuery, this options must be specified as a DOM Element object instead of a selector string.

See the documentation on Application's rootElement for details.

shouldRender public

Module: @ember/application

Disable rendering completely.

When this flag is set to false, it will disable the entire rendering pipeline. Essentially, this puts the app into "routing-only" mode. No templates will be rendered, and no Components will be created.

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