Package @ember-data/model

In EmberData a Model is a class defining the attributes and relationships of a specific resource type (model name). In this sense it represents a static "schema".

Data for individual resources fetched from your API is presented to the UI via instances of the Models you define.

An instantiated Model is referred to as a record.

When we refer to the ModelClass we are referring to the class definition and the static schema methods present on it.

When we refer to a record we refer to a specific class instance presenting the resource data for a given type and id.

Defining a Model

 import Model, { attr, belongsTo, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';

 export default class PersonModel extends Model {
   @attr name;

   @belongsTo('pet', { inverse: 'owners', async: false }) dog;

   @hasMany('person', { inverse: 'friends', async: true }) friends;

modelName convention

By convention, the name of a given model (its type) matches the name of the file in the app/models folder and should be lowercase, singular and dasherized.




© 2020 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.