
typeOf (item) String public

Module: @ember/utils
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
the item to check
the type

Returns a consistent type for the passed object.

Use this instead of the built-in typeof to get the type of an item. It will return the same result across all browsers and includes a bit more detail. Here is what will be returned:

| Return Value  | Meaning                                              |
| 'string'      | String primitive or String object.                   |
| 'number'      | Number primitive or Number object.                   |
| 'boolean'     | Boolean primitive or Boolean object.                 |
| 'null'        | Null value                                           |
| 'undefined'   | Undefined value                                      |
| 'function'    | A function                                           |
| 'array'       | An instance of Array                                 |
| 'regexp'      | An instance of RegExp                                |
| 'date'        | An instance of Date                                  |
| 'filelist'    | An instance of FileList                              |
| 'class'       | An Ember class (created using EmberObject.extend())  |
| 'instance'    | An Ember object instance                             |
| 'error'       | An instance of the Error object                      |
| 'object'      | A JavaScript object not inheriting from EmberObject  |


import { A } from '@ember/array';
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import EmberObject from '@ember/object';

typeOf();                       // 'undefined'
typeOf(null);                   // 'null'
typeOf(undefined);              // 'undefined'
typeOf('michael');              // 'string'
typeOf(new String('michael'));  // 'string'
typeOf(101);                    // 'number'
typeOf(new Number(101));        // 'number'
typeOf(true);                   // 'boolean'
typeOf(new Boolean(true));      // 'boolean'
typeOf(A);                      // 'function'
typeOf(A());                    // 'array'
typeOf([1, 2, 90]);             // 'array'
typeOf(/abc/);                  // 'regexp'
typeOf(new Date());             // 'date'
typeOf(;     // 'filelist'
typeOf(EmberObject.extend());   // 'class'
typeOf(EmberObject.create());   // 'instance'
typeOf(new Error('teamocil'));  // 'error'

// 'normal' JavaScript object
typeOf({ a: 'b' });             // 'object'

© 2020 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.