
package js.html

extends MouseEventUIEventEvent

Available on js

The MouseScrollEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device.

Documentation MouseScrollEvent by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:

Static variables

staticinlineread onlyHORIZONTAL_AXIS:Int = 1

staticinlineread onlyVERTICAL_AXIS:Int = 2


read onlyaxis:Int


initMouseScrollEvent(type:String, canBubble:Bool = false, cancelable:Bool = false, ?view:Window, detail:Int = 0, screenX:Int = 0, screenY:Int = 0, clientX:Int = 0, clientY:Int = 0, ctrlKey:Bool = false, altKey:Bool = false, shiftKey:Bool = false, metaKey:Bool = false, button:Int = 0, ?relatedTarget:EventTarget, axis:Int = 0):Void

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