
package js.html.svg

extends GradientElementElementDOMElementNodeEventTarget

Available on js

The SVGRadialGradientElement interface corresponds to the RadialGradient element.

Documentation SVGRadialGradientElement by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:


read onlycx:AnimatedLength

An SVGAnimatedLength corresponding to the cx attribute of the given RadialGradient element.

read onlycy:AnimatedLength

read onlyfr:AnimatedLength

read onlyfx:AnimatedLength

An SVGAnimatedLength corresponding to the fx attribute of the given RadialGradient element.

read onlyfy:AnimatedLength

An SVGAnimatedLength corresponding to the fy attribute of the given RadialGradient element.

read onlyr:AnimatedLength

An SVGAnimatedLength corresponding to the r attribute of the given RadialGradient element.

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