
package js.html

Available on js

The VideoPlaybackQuality interface represents the set of metrics describing the playback quality of a video.

Documentation VideoPlaybackQuality by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.

See also:


read onlycorruptedVideoFrames:Int

An unsigned long giving the number of video frames corrupted since the creation of the associated HTMLVideoElement. A corrupted frame may be created or dropped.

read onlycreationTime:Float

A DOMHighResTimeStamp containing the time in miliseconds since the start of the navigation and the creation of the object.

read onlydroppedVideoFrames:Int

An unsigned long giving the number of video frames dropped since the creation of the associated HTMLVideoElement.

read onlytotalVideoFrames:Int

An unsigned long giving the number of video frames created and dropped since the creation of the associated HTMLVideoElement.

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