Class: Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring


new Spring(world, bodyA, bodyB, restLength, stiffness, damping, worldA, worldB, localA, localB)

Creates a linear spring, connecting two bodies. A spring can have a resting length, a stiffness and damping.

Name Type Argument Default Description
world Phaser.Physics.P2

A reference to the P2 World.

bodyA p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB p2.Body

Second connected body.

restLength number <optional>

Rest length of the spring. A number > 0.

stiffness number <optional>

Stiffness of the spring. A number >= 0.

damping number <optional>

Damping of the spring. A number >= 0.

worldA Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body A in world coordinates. This value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

worldB Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body B in world coordinates. This value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

localA Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body A in local body coordinates. This value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

localB Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body B in local body coordinates. This value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

Source code: physics/p2/Spring.js (Line 23)

Public Properties

data :p2.LinearSpring

The actual p2 spring object.

Source code: physics/p2/Spring.js (Line 70)

game : Phaser.Game

Local reference to game.

Source code: physics/p2/Spring.js (Line 28)

world : Phaser.Physics.P2

Local reference to P2 World.

Source code: physics/p2/Spring.js (Line 33)

© 2016 Richard Davey, Photon Storm Ltd.
Licensed under the MIT License.