Material QML Type

Abstract base type providing functionality common to materials. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D .


Inherited By:

CustomMaterial, DefaultMaterial, and PrincipledMaterial


Detailed Description

Property Documentation

cullMode : enumeration

This property defines whether primitive culling is enabled, and, when enabled, which primitives are discarded.

The default value is Material.BackFaceCulling.

A triangle is considered front-facing if it has a counter-clockwise winding, meaning its vertices in framebuffer coordinates are in counter-clockwise order.

Constant Description
Material.BackFaceCulling Back-facing triangles are discarded.
Material.FrontFaceCulling Front-facing triangles are discarded.
Material.NoCulling No triangles are discarded.

lightProbe : Texture

This property defines a Texture for overriding or setting an image based lighting Texture for use with this material only.

Note: Setting a light probe on the material will override the scene's light probe for models using this material.

See also SceneEnvironment::lightProbe.

lightmapIndirect : Texture

This property defines a baked lightmap Texture containing indirect lighting information for this material.

Note: This feature is still in development so there is currently no way to bake lights. The texture currently still uses the UV1 coordinates which is going to change later to UV2.

lightmapRadiosity : Texture

This property defines a baked lightmap Texture containing direct lighting information for this material.

Note: This feature is still in development so there is currently no way to bake lights. The texture currently still uses the UV1 coordinates which is going to change later to UV2.

lightmapShadow : Texture

This property defines a baked lightmap Texture containing shadowing information for this material.

Note: This feature is still in development so there is currently no way to bake lights. The texture currently still uses the UV1 coordinates which is going to change later to UV2.

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